A-SSE.1b:Translating phrases into algebraic expressions OR How to decide what math symbols to use?
+ - Verbal Models ( ) = > < A variable An unknown A number any letter A variable An unknown A number Any given number The quantity Add Sum Plus Increase More than Is greater than or equal to Is more than or equal to Subtract Minus Decrease Difference Less than Subtracted from (switch the order) Is less than or equal to Equals Is Result Multiply Times Product of Is greater than Is more than Divide Divided by Quotient Is less than
Translating words into algebraic symbols https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-F5Xhrolts Long video but if you are having trouble with translating, then it is worth the time.
Modeling with Expressions Part 1 If you DO NOT to review parts of expression (terms, constant, coefficients, factors) then start video at 3 minutes in. If you need review watch the whole video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkDcITfiqO0
Modeling with Expressions Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wufic_qnCQs
Verbal Models + - = < > ( ) any letter