Focused Conversation for TTA What we are going to talk about now is how to have a focused, productive conversation when reviewing the SSOOPPRR in our peer to peer groups.. I know that you are already skilled at having conversations with your staff. Hopefully, using a Focused Conversation Structure will provide you with a tool to use when implementing both your peer to peer conversations as well as your Administrator-Practitioner Conversations. We are so fortunate to have such great tools to guide our early intervention practices. With the use of the SSOOPPRR to provide the framework of our practice and the structure to support learning the SSOOPPRR including video, self assessment, peer to peer feedback, ECN support and supervisor to practitioner feedback, everyone can improve their practice. Let’s take a look at what we will be doing for the next hour…. FIT FOCUS Focused Conversation for Early Intervention August 31, 2017 Dr. Ellen Pope
Agenda Review Early Intervention Practices Professional Development Process Focused Conversation Objective, Reflective, Interpretative, Decisional (ORID) Application of Focused Conversation to the Early Intervention Professional Development Process
Reflective Supervision Practice Based Coaching Three tools in your toolkit Practice Based Coaching Focused Conversation Just a reminder that you have multiple tools in your toolkit when providing support to one another. Reflective supervision, Coaching and Focused Conversation. Today, we are introducing the Focused Conversation or ORID which is what you used in TTA and what you will be using for the EI Practices
Purpose: To reflect on prior events before coming to a conclusion Peer to Peer Focused Conversation O Objective R Reflective I Interpretative D Decisional A guided conversation technique based on a specific method of questioning Purpose: To reflect on prior events before coming to a conclusion useful in helping people process information presented or helping people reach their own thoughtful conclusions. EXTREMELY VERSATILE, PROVIDES AN EXCELLENT WAY TO FOCUS PEOPLE ON A TOPIC LONG ENOUGH TO DETERMINE WHAT DIRECTION IS NEEDED; HAS A WAY OF SIDETRACKING POLITICKING AND POWERPLAYS – PUSHES PEOPLE TO BE CREATIVE RATHER THAN CRITICAL PROVIES ROOM FOR LISTENING AND SIDETRACKS NEGATIVE THINKING APPLIES STRUCTURE TO THE THINKING PROCESS AND ALLOWS HONESTY
The Focused Conversation Objective What are the facts? What did you observe? Subjective How did you feel? What surprised you? Interpretative What is the meaning? What is the insight? Decisional What actions will you take? What decision is called for?
Preparing for the conversation FOCUSED CONVERSATION Preparing for the conversation Become familiar with the video, self-assessment and peer coaching worksheet Develop some reflective questions for the focused conversation no right or wrong answers questions are open and contentless start with words like “how”, “what”, “which”, or “why" EXAMPLES: OBJECTIVE: WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT STANDS OUT? REFLECTIVE: HOW DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL? WHERE WERE YOU SURPRISED? INTERPRETATIVE: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? WHAT ARE WE LEARNING FROM THIS? WHY DO YOU THINK SOME SCORES ARE NOT YET? DECISIONAL: WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS?
What do you need to review during the P-P Focused Conversation? Video of Home Visit + EI Practitioner Self-Assessment of Early Intervention Practices + Peer Coaching Worksheet + = Identify EI Practices to focus on
Self-Assessment of NM SS-OO-PP-RR Early Intervention Practices For each practice: 1. Using the scale below, indicate the extent you currently implement the practice: Not observed Partially Yes *For more information on the above scoring categories, please refer to the rubric contained in the Family Guided Routines Based Intervention: Key Indicators Manual. 2. In the “Examples” section jot down one or more examples that demonstrate why you chose that level. 3. In the “Ideas for Improvement” section jot down some initial thoughts about what you might do to improve your practice and what supports would be useful. Practitioner: Date: Setting the Stage Not observed Partially Yes Example(s) Ideas for improvement EIP1 Gathers updates on child and family- listens and encourages caregiver reflection EIP2 Asks caregiver to update intervention implementation since last visit- listens, encourages caregiver reflection and sets up problem-solving as needed EIP3 Shares information related to development, current status, intervention, family interests- connects to IFSP or larger goals, priorities, builds consensus EIP4 Reviews session priorities and jointly plans targets, teaching strategies, routines- facilitates caregiver participation and decision making Observation and Opportunity to Practice Not Observed Ideas for Improvement EIP5 Observes caregiver-child interaction in family-identified routines – provides feedback and builds on dyad strengths
Administrator to Practitioner Focused Conversation O Objective R Reflective I Interpretative D Decisional A guided conversation technique based on a specific method of questioning Purpose: To reflect on prior events before coming to a conclusion
EI Practices Observer’s Rating Scale What do you need to review during the Administrator to Practitioner Focused Conversation? + Video of Home Visit EI Practitioner Self-Assessment of Early Intervention Practices + Peer Coaching Worksheet + + EI Practices Observer’s Rating Scale = Interim Rating and Quality Improvement Planning Worksheet = Professional Development Plan
Observations/ Evidence Observer’s Rating Tool of NM SS-OO-PP-RR Early Intervention Practices Instructions: 1. Use the three-point scale to indicate the extent that you observed each practice. Not observed Partially Yes *For more information on the above scoring categories, please refer to the rubric contained in the Family Guided Routines Based Intervention: Key Indicators Manual. 2. For each practice, in the “Observations/Evidence” section describe the key observations or evidence that led to your rating. Observer: Practitioner: Date(s) of Observations: Setting the Stage Not observed Partially Yes Observations/ Evidence EIP1 Gathers updates on child and family- listens and encourages caregiver reflection EIP2 Asks caregiver to update intervention implementation since last visit- listens, encourages caregiver reflection and sets up problem-solving as needed EIP3 Shares information related to development, current status, intervention, family interests- connects to IFSP or larger goals, priorities, builds consensus EIP4 Reviews session priorities and jointly plans targets, teaching strategies, routines- facilitates caregiver participation and decision making Observation and Opportunity to Practice Not observed Observations/ Evidence
Interim Rating and Quality Improvement Planning Worksheet The supervisor and the practitioner should have a reflective conversation and considering the self-assessment ratings, the observational rating tool, and additional observations and documentation: 1) arrive at an interim rating; and 2) develop a Quality Improvement Plan. Supervisor: Practitioner: Date of Reflective Conversation: ____________ NM SS-OO-PP-RR Early Intervention Practices Self-Assessment Rating Observation Assessment Rating Interim Rating Supporting Evidence and Examples Not Observed Partially Yes Not Observed Not Observed (1) Partially (3) (5) Setting the Stage EIP1 Gathers updates on child and family- listens and encourages caregiver reflection EIP2 Asks caregiver to update intervention implementation since last visit- listens, encourages caregiver reflection and sets up problem-solving as needed EIP3 Shares information related to development, current status, intervention, family interests- connects to IFSP or larger goals, priorities, builds consensus EIP4 Reviews session priorities and jointly plans targets, teaching strategies, routines- facilitates caregiver participation and decision making