Welcome to NJHS! September 5, 2017 Sign-in Please place your initial by your name in the first column Grab a service hours sheet, meeting dates list and hazing test Sign-up for Remind 101 Messages – text @bushnjh to (469) 208-5583 Welcome! Meeting Dates What’s Going on with NJHS? Hazing Test Officer Information Mentor Program Bulldog Festival T-Shirts Service Hours
WELCOME! 2017-2018 Sponsors: Ms. Thurston – hthurs@neisd.net Mrs. Greathouse- sgreat2@neisd.net
THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOU LEAVE! Hazing In order to participate in NJHS you must complete one of the hazing tests. PLEASE PUT YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME ON ONE OF THE TESTS, COMPLETE IT AND LEAVE IT ON THE CENTER OF YOUR TABLE. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOU LEAVE! If you do not have one, please let Mrs. Greathouse or Ms. Thurston know.
9/15/2017 Officers applications due. 2017-2018 Meeting Dates 1st Semester September 5th 9/15/2017 Officers applications due. 9/19/2017 elections 9/20/2017 results of election 10/5/2017 meeting 7:45 Library 11/9/2017 meeting 7:45 Library 12/7/2017 meeting 7:45 Library 1/11/2018 meeting 7:45 Library 2/8/2018 meeting 7:45 Library 3/8/2018 meeting 7:45 Library 5/10/2018 meeting 7:45 Library All meetings will be held promptly at 7:45am in the library. Attendance is mandatory. Sign-up for Remind 101: Text @bushnjh to 210-209-8009 If you will be unable to attend, you need to see Mrs. Greathouse or Ms. Thurston in advance of your absence.
What’s Going on with NJHS? There are three key ways to stay on top of everything you need to know for NJHS: NJHS Bulletin Board – located at the end of the hall in Mrs. Starkweather’s hall Remind – make sure you are signed up to receive important updates to NJHS meetings, service hour opportunities, etc. Webpages – Please check Mrs. Greathouse and Mrs. Thurston’s webpages often
Officer Elections Timeline Thursday, September 5th- – Thursday, September 14th– Officer Applications Available Friday, September 15th – Officer Applications DUE to Ms. Thurston in room 031 by 3:30 Friday, September 15th – Tuesday, September 19th Campaigning Tuesday, September 19th – Elections in Library at 7:30am Wednesday, September 20th – 2017-2018 Officers Announced
Animal Defense League of Texas https://adltexas.org/ One hour for every item donated. Drop off in Mrs. Greathouse’s room or Ms. Thurston’s room. Donation dates 8/5-8/15
Bulldog Festival Puppy Pound! Bulldog Festival takes place Friday, October 20th from 5pm-8pm. You can sign up to volunteer at the NJHS Puppy Pound to earn service hours. Sign-up times are in 30 minute intervals. Sign up for as many time slots as you wish! Sign-up will be on the NJHS bulletin board.
Mentor Program If you have already signed up or would like to become a part of the mentor program, please fill in the mentor info sheet and leave it on the center of your table. 5 services hours each semester. Remind: Text bushmen to (469) 208-5583 What does the mentor program involve?: Weekly contact with your assigned pup(s) – this can be done through a note given to his/her AIM teacher, text, email, or face-to-face visit. Pups will be assigned in the next few weeks.
Service Hours Service Hours are due to Mrs. Greathouse or Ms. Thurston by Friday, December 15th. Each member must complete 10 hours of service for the fall semester. Any service done June-December will count for fall hours.
Next Meeting: Elections 9/19 10/8 7:45am in the Library 10/8