The Commuter Experience Andrew Perrone Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement & Commuter Services Intro self Orientation is an opportunity to set you up for success at Rowan Explain creation of new office. Dual responsibilities Difference between off-campus students and commuters Ask: How many parents have students residing “off-campus”, or “commuting”?
FAQ: Commuters Want to Know Are there places for commuters to park? Do offices have evening hours? Can commuters access the Library database and other resources from off-campus locations? How do commuters know if classes are cancelled due to inclement weather or otherwise? How can commuters get involved in campus activities? Are there programs and events for commuters? FAQ: Things commuters want to know about *If commuters are having trouble navigating the university our office can refer them to resources and services that may help them.
Getting to Campus...By Car Apply for permit online at: search ‘parking’ in the Rowan search bar Permits available first week of August Year Pass: $140.00 Semester Pass: $80.00 411 Ellis Street Lot (with Shuttle Service): Year Pass: $80.00 Semester Pass: $40.00 No Parking from 2am-6am Parking on Campus Apply for a Permit No Parking from 2 to 6am Leave time to find a space Carry an emergency car kit
Important Parking Info Shuttle Service operates on the Glassboro campus from 7am to 1am when classes are in session. Glassboro neighborhood streets are restricted to PERMIT PARKING ONLY. For Updates/Changes, visit: or email:
Getting to Campus...Public Transportation Using Public Transportation (Bus/Train/Camden Shuttle) Schedules available in Student Center and online Can sometimes be unreliable Have an alternative method of transportation Leave early to get to campus on time
Commuting to Campus Keep emergency numbers programmed into phone Rowan Public Safety- Emergency (856) 256-4911 Local police Sign up for Rowan Emergency Alert System Exchange contact info with someone in each class.
Making Campus Your Home Set expectations Seek out resources Push yourself out of your comfort zone Get a mentor Get involved Get Involved Finding a club or organization you're passionate about is one of the quickest ways to meet like-minded peers and feel connected to your school. Whether you live on campus or 30 miles away, it's imperative to find your niche within the community. Set Expectations Continuing to live at home with your parents may seem reminiscent of high school, but the household dynamic won't be the same once you're a commuter student. Not only will you be more worn out after two trips and a day of classes, but you'll likely also have more studying to do in college than you did as a high school student. Have a family meeting to clarify expectations about chore loads and study habits, as well as curfews and rules that students living on campus might not have. Seek Out Resources Get a mentor Push yourself our of your comfort zone Though striking up conversations in class or the student union may feel a little uncomfortable, it's important to force yourself, if necessary, to make connec-tions around campus. Otherwise, you'll be trekking to school solely to take courses and may miss out on a large part of your collegiate experience.
More than Just Classes Don’t just stay for classes Attend campus events Eat in the dining hall Study with friends in the library Visit with friends who live on campus Students who feel more connected
Resources Available to Commuters Academic Advising & Support Academic Success Center Academic Transition Programs Career Advancement Counseling & Psychological Services Greek Life Leadership Rowan Multicultural Affairs Recreation Center Social Justice, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution Student Activities Student Health Center Volunteerism EVERYTHING. Campus resources and services available to commuters *Many offices have late night hours for commuter convenience. Check with the office to find out what day it is.
Parents: Another Resource to Support Your Commuter Encourage involvement Provide a quiet study environment Give them space Encourage involvement Provide a quiet study environment College is a lot a work; not just academically but mentally. It's important for students to have a comfortable, quiet place to get their work done or to just relax. Give them space Understand your student will have a full load. With classes, work, and activities their life can get pretty full quickly. Their busy schedules may mean that you will see less of them at home while they spend time in study groups at the library, or attending social events on campus. Be sure to check in with them periodically, but also be sure to give them their space to explore and get involved.
Getting Involved: Campus Events Rowan has... Survey Question: How many times a semester do you attend programs sponsored by Student Activities?, Rowan After Hours? Response: 43% Never, 69% Never Rowan Has... Profstock Off-campus trips Spring fest??? Back to the Boro RAH-Thurs, Fri, Sat 9pm-1am Fitness classes at Rec center
Getting Involved: Clubs and Organizations Rowan has... Over 150 clubs and organizations on campus Career/academic Social Service Cultural Encourage your student to attend meetings between classes or during free time Survey Question: What factors prevent you from being more involved at Rowan? Response: 74% Commute, 57% work, 52% busy studying or homework, 24% family commitments Rowan Has... Over 75 clubs and organizations on campus Career/academic Social Service Cultural Encourage your student to attend meetings in between classes or during free time
Commuter Life @ Rowan Past off-campus/commuter events
Commuters at Rowan (CAR) is a student run organization that acts as a voice for commuters by addressing student concerns, planning programs and activities to help integrate commuter students into the Rowan community, and supporting commuter interests and needs.
WHAT DO WE DO? Meetings every other week Rowan After Hours Events SUP Movie Nights MUNCH BUNCH Speakers Community Service
Stay Informed Office of Commuter Services @RUCommuters C.A.R. (Commuters at Rowan) @RowanCommuters Office of Commuter Services C.A.R. (Commuters at Rowan) Join the Commuter Facebook group Find out about commuter events Meet other commuters/off-campus students Commuter issues discussions