Community College & Career Search Cody Lane College OPTIONS Advisor at Red Bluff High School (530) 514 - 5980
Types of Degrees Undergraduate Degrees: Certificate/Licensing Program (1 month – 2 years) Associate’s degree (2 years) Bachelor’s degree (4 years) Graduate Degrees: Professional degree (varies) Master’s degree (5-6 years) Doctorate degree (6 years or more) When you enter college you are considered an undergraduate, which means you have not earned a bachelor’s degree yet.
Certificate Can typically be earned in a short amount of time A brief, but intense, program that helps a person develop specific skills or prepare for an entry-level position Can typically be earned in a short amount of time 1 month to 2 years, depending on the program Can be earned at a community college or vocational school Examples of jobs requiring a certificate: Paralegal Hairstylist Interior decorator Nail Technician Personal trainer Welder Chef Construction
Associate’s Degree An academic degree that consists of a variety of courses depending on the subject you choose to study Can typically be earned in 2 years if you go to college full- time Associate of Arts and Associate of Science options Can be earned at a community college, vocational school and some four year universities Examples of jobs which require at least an associate’s degree: Physical therapy assistant Dental Assistant Radiation therapist Registered Nurse Accountant Pre-School Teacher
Education Pays
types of colleges
Community colleges 113 in California Examples: Shasta College, Redding, CA College of the Siskiyous, Weed, CA Who attends: Students over 18 years old or high school graduates High school students with permission Community members Degrees offered: Certificate Associate’s (AA/AS/AAT/AST)
Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) TAG – Look at handout Transferring from a California Community College to a University of California Six UC campuses offer the TAG: Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz There is an application that is specific to the UC you are applying Review application with your community college counselor or UC TAG advisor ADT – Look at handout Transferring from a California Community College to a California State University AAT/AST This priority does NOT guarantee admission to specific majors or campuses
Summary More and more careers require schooling beyond a high school diploma Generally speaking, a person’s earning potential is higher with more education Students have hundreds of higher education options in California (thousands in the rest of the United States and the rest of the world)
Career search There are lots of great sites to find career information but the best one out there right now that matches careers with education is: