Student SOLE Page – Living Page You will be able to click on any link where a symbol appears when your mouse is over it. Click on the + to view the personal details section
Student SOLE page - Assessments Page Click on the + to view the personal details section
Previous mitigating circumstances claims are listed at the top, this allows students to check on the status of the claim Click on the ‘exit and complete later’ button at any stage to go back the student sole page
Students will need to complete all five sections before they can review and submit their claim
Students will need to select the reason for the claim from the drop down menu. Once a reason is selected additional text will show, this provides the student with additional information
Students will need to select if the claim is late Students will need to select if the claim is late. If the student selects yes, they will be asked to explain why the claim is late
Students will be asked to add a supporting statement to their claim Students will be asked to add a supporting statement to their claim. Here, they will have to explain how their circumstances have effected their performance. Additionally, if students are claiming for non-submission they will need to explain why they could not submit their work within the 14 day deadline.
The student will get the option to upload their evidence now or post their evidence at a later date. If the student opts to provide evidence at a later date the screen below will show. If their student opts to upload their evidence immediately they will see the screen below.
The student will have to select options from the drop down menus to provide information about the assessments
Students will be asked to review the details that they have entered Students will be asked to review the details that they have entered. Students will be able to edit their claim if they wish. However, once they click on ‘Submit claim’ they will not be able to unless they contact
Students will be taken back to the first page of the mitigating circumstances section, here they can see the claim they Have recently submitted and track the status of the claim.
Student SOLE page - Assessments Page Click on the + to view the personal details section
Students will get the option to select the academic year they want to select modules for. This box defaults to the current academic year. Click on the run report button to proceed.
The student will be shown all of their assignments with the options to either ‘Print Coversheet’ or ‘Submit’ if e-submission has been enabled for the assignment.
E-submission After clicking ‘Submit’ the student will see this message asking them not to use the buttons on their browser during this task. The students should only use the on screen buttons to navigate from one screen to another. After clicking ‘OK’ the student will be taken to the first submission screen outlining the submission details including the filename that should be used. Click ‘Continue to upload’, this will take the student to the screen to upload the file.
Browse to the correct file and click ‘Upload file’. The file will then be checked to make sure that it is in the correct format and filename. If it is incorrect the student will get a message telling them of the problem with a ‘Continue’ button to try again. If there are no problems with the file this message will appear. Click ‘OK’ to progress to the next stage.
The student will be taken to the final stage where they can review the file ready for submission. They will need to tick the box to confirm the submission and click ‘Submit’.
The student will get confirmation on screen that the work has been submitted and a submission receipt will be automatically e-mailed to them. Clicking return will take the student back to the ‘Assessment Receipts and Submission’ screen but this time the assignment will show as submitted with a link to the document. Students will be able to view the documents they upload via E-Submission by clicking on the link underneath the time and date.
Student SOLE page - Assessments Page Click on the + to view the personal details section
Printing Coversheets After clicking ‘Print Coversheet’ a new window will open displaying the coversheet for the student to print out.
Student SOLE page - Assessments Page Click on the + to view the personal details section
Viewing Feedback After clicking on ‘View Feedback’ the student will be shown a list of their assignments that have feedback published. They will be able to view any comments and documents by using the links in the far right column.
Student SOLE page - Assessments Page Click on the + to view the personal details section
Module Results Results for individual assignments can be accessed by clicking on the module result or the ‘>>’ symbol.
Student SOLE page - Assessments Page Click on the + to view the personal details section
Student SOLE Page – Course Information
Module Selection First students will be asked to confirm that their course details are correct
Students are given instructions before moving onto the selection process.
Students will get a list of mandatory modules at the top of the screen Students will get a list of mandatory modules at the top of the screen. The remaining modules will be listed in boxes on the left hand side and they will be required to select a certain number of credits from each box. Clicking on ‘View List’ will reveal the modules that the student has to select from.
To select a module the student will need to click ‘Add’ in the selection box and this will move the module to the right hand side. The student can view more information about the module by clicking on the module name.
Once the student has selected their modules they need to click ‘Submit Selections’ which will complete the process.
Student SOLE Page – Course Information
Student SOLE Page – Personal Details From this page students are able to update their personal details and reprint their Certificate of Registration.
Student SOLE Page – Register Now This page contains the link for students to register for the academic year. This is the only option available to students if they have not completed registration. Click on the + to view the personal details section
Students are asked to confirm that the details held by the University are correct. The student will only need to click ‘Continue’ to confirm they are correct.
A fee is generated for the student and in the next screen they are asked to select a payment option from the drop down list.
In the last screen the students are shown the University regulations and can complete the registration.
Students are then presented with their Certificate of Registration