Hungarian experience Prof.István Fehér Pre-results of quantitative research at Hungary „Old knowledge with new messages” Hungarian experience Prof.István Fehér
Characters of sample and research I. Timing: June-August 2014 Subjects: Students at Szent István University Sample size: 100 subjects Faculty: Agricultural and Environmental Sciences: 30.0% Economics and Social Sciences: 70.0% Class: I. 47.0%; II. 27.6%; III. 26.0% Education level: BA/BSc – 92.0%; MA/MSc – 8.0% Type of settlement Rural – 26.8% Mixed-urban – 26.8% Urban – 10.3% Metropolitan – 36.1%
Characters of sample and research II. Gender Woman – 60.4% Man – 39.6% Age 15-24 years old – 74.2% 25-34 years old – 15.5% 35-49 years old – 9.3% 50-64 years old – 1.0% Income level much higher than the average – 4.1% a bit higher than the average – 24.7% relatively average – 49.5% a bit less than the average – 15.5% much less than the average – 6.2%
Q1. Have you ever heard the sustainable agricultural production expression?
Q2. What do you think is the meaning of mentioned expression? Three mainstreams Environmental protection Biggest ratio Economical improvement Correct definition Take into account future needs Smallest ratio
Q3. According to your opinion, what points play a significant role in the building up a sustainable agricultural structure?
Q4. According to your opinion, how important are factors below in connection with sustainable agricultural production. Please mark your opinion using the scale connected to the sentences to express your opinion.
Q5. According to your opinion, what are the characters of environmental friendly foods?
Q6. Please mark, which information can influence your decision during food purchasing!
Q7. According to your opinion, is it important to reduce food miles to reach a sustainable food trade?
Q8. According to your opinion, which food system can effectively reduce food miles?
Q9. According to your opinion, at Hungary how much do people taken into account the factors below connected to sustainable agricultural practice, nowadays?
Q10. According to your opinion, do statements below meet principals of ecological farming? Please mark your opinion using the scale connected to the sentences to express your opinion.
Q11. Please mark those elements, which must be taken into account during formation of ecological farming.
Q12. According to your opinion, how harmless are factors below in connection with foundation of ecological farms. Please mark your judgment using the scale connected to the sentences to express your opinion.
THE MAIN TOPICS TO BE FOLLOWED FOR THE FARMERS INTERVIEW What do you think about the new CAP and the new green agricultural policy? You will get founds for Green Direct Payments during next years? In your opinion what kind of agricultural practices should be considered as being green and thus included for Green Direct Payments? Have you heard so far about agroecology? Way did you choose to practice organic farming? / Are you interested to practice organic farming? Are your cultivated varieties well adapted to the environmental conditions?
Your soil looks fertile/unfertile (according with field conditions) Your soil looks fertile/unfertile (according with field conditions). How much cattle manure you use to fertilize it? It is difficult to control weeds in your farm? How you do this? It has been shown that pest and diseases can decrease production with more than 50%. Does this happen also in your case? Do you use some olde practices from your parents? Where did you learn the cultivation? How difficult is to sell your product?
Are your activities profitable? Are you interested to grow your farm or to diversify your activities? For how long are you the manager of the farm? Did you change the agricultural practices during this period? Do you know some old (traditional) agricultural practices which are still used today? Can the traditional knowledge be innovative?
Further plans: Focus groups interviews: in more regions in Hungary (herbs, livestock fruit and vegetable production) Personal interviews with participation of students, with record by cameras Analyse the final results of questionnaires Registration and making short films of exchanges of knowledge Adapting the new ideas of the meeting of Slovenia More identification on traditional ecological knowledge /Agroecological Institute involvement. See book/ More photos and short films Preparation on the meeting in Hungary Future utilisation of this kind of knowledge