Acid Precipitation
So What Is It? Rain that is more acidic that normal rain Attributed to air pollution SO2 & NOx contained in the emissions React to form nitric and sulfuric acid droplets Also falls as dry deposition
Preventative measures Canada Coalition on Acid Rain Set up in 1981 Aimed to raise awareness Disbanded in 1990 U.S Clean Air Act Comprehensive plan concerned with reducing atmospheric pollution
The Canada-wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post 2000 Signed October 19th 1998 by Federal/ Provincial and Territorial ministers Aims of Acid Rain Strategy Reduce levels of NOx & SO2 Maintain levels at low emitting sites Stop new sources from arising
The Canada-wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post 2000 Starting in 1999, Federal and provincial Governments will meet to report to the Mister of Energy and Environment Federal Government will maintain an Active role in Acid precipitation science
Acid Precipitation