Grade 7 Science Unit 4: The Earth’s Crust Weathering and Erosion
Weathering... The mechanical and/or chemical breakdown of rock. All rocks are exposed to the forces of weathering when at or near the surface of the earth.
2 Types of Weathering: 1. Mechanical Weathering: Rocks are simply broken into smaller fragments. Most common type is ice wedging (frost action).
Roots growing through rock Movement of plant roots as they grow (root pry). Roots growing through rock
Movement of animals (worms, rodents, ants, etc.) A burrowing rabbit
2. Chemical Weathering: Chemical reactions occur with rocks that create new substances. Acid rain will chemically change rocks like salt, gypsum and limestone.
Statues weathered by acid rain
Lichens produce acids which can weather rocks. Lichens pitting a rock
Erosion The process that loosens and moves weathered rock particles (sediment) over the earth’s surface. Eroded materials form the basis of soil.
Agents of Erosion: 1. Water in motion: Most powerful
2. Meteorological processes (rain and wind) Created by wind Erosion by a rain drop
3. Geological processes (gravity and glaciers)
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