Organizational Cultures and Diversity Chapter 6 Organizational Cultures and Diversity
The Nature of Organizational Culture How do you define organizational culture? Shared values & beliefs that enable members to understand their riles in & the norms of the org
Characteristics of OC in an org Observed behavioral regularities Norms Dominant values that are advocated Philosophy how to treat one another Rules of do’s & don’ts Org climate aka as how 1 another treat each other
Does MNC’s erase the impact of the national culture? Hofstede’s research states: it is not likely to change the national culture (values) to the orgs culture Example: Wal-Mart in Germany p. 174
4 Org Cultures in MNC’s-Trompaneers Family Culture Family type environment where leader is “caring parent”, power-oriented, knows best for personnel Countries- Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela, China, Hong Kong, Singapore
Eiffel Tower Culture Characterized by strong emphasis on hierarchy & orientation to the task Person at the top can be easily replaced Country- US
Guided Missile Culture Strong emphasis on equality in the workplace & orientation to the task Country- US
Incubator Culture Strong emphasis on equality & orientation to the person Little formal structure, culture is found in Scotland, Silicon Valley CA
Egalitarian/decentralized Hierarchical/centralized Person/Informal Style Incubator (fulfillment- oriented) Guided Missile (project- oriented) Task/Formal Style Family (power- oriented) Eiffel Tower (role- oriented) Hierarchical/centralized
Table 6-3 p. 179 Summary Characteristics of the 4 Corporate Cultures Do you see your country in Figure 6-3? Should WHS be concerned?
Phases of Multicultural Development- p. 181 4 Phases of Becoming an International Corporation Phase 1- Domestic Phase 2- Intl’ Corp. Phase 3- MNC Phase 4- Global Corp.