Cameroon Senegal Benin Togo Burkinafaso Gambia Ghana Nigeria AAU ECOWAS Cote D’Ivore Why is it important for an ACE to invest in strengthening its university-industry linkages? Joseph Nkandu NUCAFE - Uganda Lagos 17th May 2017
Differentiated Market Entrepreneur
A booming African Agribusiness 2030 Nnn Xxx Nnnn Mmm Mmmm Lll mmmm 2010 2030 US$ 313 billion US$1 trillion A booming African Agribusiness 2030 Source: Mckinsey
Skills requirements: past 50 years
Skills requirements: next 50 years
Tracer studies
Work done so far – The Triple Helix Agribusiness incubator
Incubator achievements
Registered Company - Incubator Governance Ownership issues Legal structure Management Value proposition to the trio and their clients Operating standards
Coffee Factory as a spinoff
Incubator Spinoff activities
Incubator Achievements continue Description Since 2013 Number of start-up agribusinesses established 94 Number of jobs created by start-ups 2,223 Number of benefiting farming families 12,744 Graduates of improved curriculum/internships 253 Graduates with own businesses within one year of graduation 40% Graduates employed within six months of graduation 55% Lecturers who have commercialized their innovations 6
Achievements on the Industry side NUCAFE
Highly skilled factory human resource
The Farmer’s Success Journey COOPERATIVES COOPS YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 +30% +900% NUCAFE
Achievements on the Research Side A Fully fledged National Coffee Research Institute established
Implementation Challenges Main challenge Finding a new Managing Director who has both Agri-Food and business incubation skills and is acceptable in academic and research circles. Other challenges Limited human resource with skills to work in Triple Helix incubation Overwhelming demand
West Africa is the next USA
ACEs and industry need each other and both must invest for impact
We must act now Our children Our Future