A Talent Acquisition Blueprint: The State of Recruiting in 2022 will share her thoughts on both today and tomorrow’s recruiting market trends. She will also examine the future of talent acquisition, the convergence of platforms being driven by increased emphasis on talent management systems and how sourcing intelligence changes the game for everyone. Presented by Elaine Orler Talent Function Group, LLC
Talent Function Group talentfunction.com Talent Function is a consultancy with one main goal – the success of our clients. To that end, Talent Function’s consultants are dedicated to helping talent acquisition and HR leaders and executives around the globe realize their desired outcomes. We do this by: Drawing on a wealth of cross-industry experience A high level of integrity An intimate knowledge of the issues of highest concern to our clients. With the ability to look at problems from all angles and through the lenses of business leaders, customers, process demands and technology features; we develop comprehensive strategies and implement solutions that address the people, practices and software that comprise the Talent Acquisition function. talentfunction.com www.facebook.com/ Talentfunction @talentfunction www.linkedin.com/ talent function
Agenda Where we are today What changes first What makes it better Making sense of it all
Forces Impacting Human Resources Changes in the business sales Changes in business direction Changes the resources to your customers Changes the customers’ expectations around costs and experience Changing how we communicate Changing how we position the business Changing the way we live Difficult to be on the cutting edge and stay ahead of everyone else Constant communication (positive/ negative) Destination preferences and collaboration Transparent = trust All about the ‘me’ Changing what work needs to be done Changing how work is completed Changing where work is done More hours, less pay become the norm Cost cutting vs. Revenue generating Economy Social Human Resources Culture Technology
more people are older than 65 Talent Demographics 2022 40,170,000 more people are older than 65 As the year 2011 began on Jan 1, the oldest members of the Baby Boom generation celebrated their 65th birthday. In fact, on that day, and for every day for the next 19 years, 10,000 baby boomers will reach age 65. (2010 Pew Research Survey)
Today: HR Delivery = Consistent Change Dedicated staff Domain Focused Standard processes Standard reports/metrics Work volume shared across the team Direct line reporting structure Localized processes Various roles for HR Individualistic delivery Varied reports/metrics Position volume varied Consensus voting with optional participation Decentralized Centralized Multiple companies supported Multiple job responsibilities Process ownership and accountability Standard reporting/ metrics Multiple job responsibilities Employee Relations critical Limited recruiting experience Individualistic recruitment Varied reports/metrics Work volume varied Generalist Outsourced
2012: HR Delivery is Fluid with the Business Centralized Decentralized Generalist Outsourced
2012 Market Consolidation
2012 Market Explosion Job Posting Career Portal Mobile Workforce Planning Internal Mobility Job Posting CRM ATS Succession Planning On-boarding Perform. Mgmt Interview HRMS Comp Benefits Video Mobile Learning Mgmt Payroll
2022 Customer Defined Solutions Solutions to meet different needs all connected to each other regardless of vendor
2012 Integration – Under Construction Performance Learning Recruiting Performance Learning Compensation Performance
2022: Data Relationships Data understands Data
Go ahead and replace it with your own text. What makes it better 1 3 This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. 2 EXAMPLE TEXT EXAMPLE TEXT
Technology – Second Life www.logi-serve.com
Technology – Virtual Interview Big Bang Theory http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9201400/ IBM
Job/Career Currency (new Resume)
Thank You! Questions/Comments? Talent Function Group elaine.orler@ talentfunction.com www.facebook.com/ elaineorler @elaineorler www.linkedin.com/in/ elaineorler Thank You!
Articles referenced http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2012/05/09/the-top-majors-for-the-class-of-2022/ http://www.bls.gov/ooh/About/Projections-Overview.htm http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/technology/1201/gallery.office-future.fortune/index.html