Add to table of Contents: Fission vs Fusion Pg. 10 Fission and Fusion Pg. 11
1. Nuclear fission-the nucleus of an atom splits apart into smaller nuclei, releasing energy. (Draw the picture) Energy
- Fission happens on Earth in naturally radioactive - Fission happens on Earth in naturally radioactive elements found within the earth’s crust and in nuclear reactors.
- Control rods keep the reaction under control. - Produces radioactive waste.
Nuclear Fission Neutron induced in U235 Fission is Exothermic The sum of the masses of the resulting nuclei is less than the original mass (about 0.1% less) The “missing mass” is converted to energy according to E=mc2
Neutrons may: 1 - Cause another fission by colliding with a U235 nucleus 2 - Be absorbed in other material 3 – “Lost” in the system If sufficient neutrons are present, we may achieve a chain reaction Creates two smaller nuclides and free neutrons The free neutrons potentially collide with nearby U235 nuclei May cause the nuclide to split as well Each split (fission) is accompanied by a large quantity of E-N-E-R-G-Y
THE SUN Every second, the sun converts 500 million metric tons of hydrogen to helium. Due to the process of fusion, 5 million metric tons of excess material is converted into energy in each second. This means that every year, 157,680,000,000,000 metric tons are converted into energy.
2. Nuclear fusion is the process by which smaller nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus. (Draw the picture) Energy
Fusion has a release or absorption of energy depending on the elements involved: -Fe and Ni are the most stable. -The fusion of 2 nuclei lighter than Fe or Ni releases energy. -The fusion of 2 nuclei heavier than Fe or Ni absorbs energy.
Energy is in the form of light, heat and radiation. - fusion occurs in the core of stars (H + H = He + Energy) and is why stars shine and give off heat. Fusion needs extremely high heat energy to occur(>15,000,000°C) and high pressure.
Answer your Essential question
Cookie Fusion(draw on page 88) Mass Before Cooking Mass After Cooking Atom 1 Atom 2 Total Difference (Total before-total after)
Review Nuclear fission: A large nucleus splits into several small nuclei when impacted by a neutron, and energy is released in this process Nuclear fusion: Several small nuclei fuse together and release energy.
Learning Check What process creates energy in the Sun? Fusion of hydrogen into helium in the Sun’s core generates the Sun’s energy. How long ago did fusion generate the energy we now receive as sunlight? Fusion created the energy we receive today about a million years ago. This is the time it takes for photons and then convection to transport energy through the solar interior to the photosphere. Once sunlight emerges from the photosphere, it takes only about 8 minutes to reach Earth.
Energy needed for Fusion The thermal activity of a gas is described by its temperature measurement which is really an indication of its velocity/energy. Thermal energy is represented by the height that the upper magnet. The upper ring has a potential energy given by PE = mgh at its drop point which is converted into kinetic energy (KE = 1/2 mv2) As the magnet falls towards the lower magnet. The two magnets click lightly when the kinetic energy is just greater than the magnetic energy that holds them apart. Since Kinetic Energy = Potential Energy (ignoring frictional components), the gravitational pull and mass of the upper magnet are constant, then the height needed to overcome the magnetic repelling force is proportional to that magnetic repelling force.
Energy needed for Fusion PE =mg x h2-h1 PE = KE = Fxh1 F=force of repulsion F=PE/h1 Upper Drop Position Ring Magnets Float Position Lower Magnet Wood Block h2 h1
Learning Check
U.S. Electrical Power Production by Source The United States has 103 nuclear power reactors in 31 states. Nuclear energy provides electricity for one of every five homes and business … the second-largest source of electricity after coal. Some states are clearly are more dependent on nuclear energy than others. Vermont gets 76 percent of its electricity from nuclear reactors … New Hampshire, 58 percent … and South Carolina, 55 percent. In Virginia, nuclear power provides more than 40 percent of the electricity used. Source: EIA (2004)
Draw a Double Bubble Map of Fusion and Fission Differences Similarities Differences
Fusion is accompanied by the release of energy: - this energy is in the form of light, heat and radiation. - fusion occurs in the core of stars and is why stars shine and give off heat.
Nuclear Fuel Costs Nuclear Fuel Costs Include Uranium Enrichment Manufacturing Waste Disposal Total Nuclear Fuel Cost is Only About 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour Uranium accounts for only about 20% of this cost or 0.1 cents per kilowatt-hour Increasing Uranium Cost has Minimal Impact