PS status 10 August – 17 August 2017


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Presentation transcript:

PS status 10 August – 17 August 2017 H. Damerau, F. Tecker on behalf of PS operations and supervisor team User meeting – 17 August 2017 H. Damerau

PS 10th - 17th August Busy week for PS Complex with about 88% availability Main events only: Planned stop on Thursday for PSB and PS 2h45 downtime for all beams, minor issues to recover Pole face winding power converter (PR.WFW) issues on Thursday night 1h25 downtime for all beams Unstable conditions from Linac2 since Saturday Various stops for investigation, installation of observation (buncher 1) Ok since Wednesday intervention: replaced directional and output couplers ~7h30 downtime for all beams in total

PS 10th - 17th August Busy week for PS Complex with about 88% availability PSB ring 1 RF unstable (phase of splitting) 2h interruption for MTE to SPS Timing cable cut towards SPS (PEX.WSPS) on Tuesday 1h without beam to SPS Inspection on module of fast extraction kicker (KFA71, module in SS79) today 1h30 stop for all beams, restarting

PS faults 10th - 17th August (AFT) PS overview and cardiogram Cable cut Planned access, ~2h45 AD power converter Linac2 unstable Planned access, 2h45 Linac2 and PSB, ~12 h Mainly degraded mode due to ring 2 cavity, 20.6 h (72.8%)

PS 10th - 17th August Accumulated TOF intensity: 1.071019 pot (57% of 2017 target, ~10% above plan) 1.071019 pot

RF beam control upgrades 10 + 1 main accelerating ferrite-loaded cavities in PS Compensate time of flight such that field sums up for beam  Dephasing Fixed-target and EAST beams presently produced with analogue dephasing 2 Multi- phase shifter 10+1 cavity drives, h = 8 Corrections from loops DDS* h=16 … 1 Multi- phase shifter 10+1 cavity drives, h = 16 … *DDS: Direct Digital Synthesizer

RF beam control upgrades Beams to AD and LHC: more flexible RF source system for dephasing Single, fully programmable multi-harmonic RF source per cavity (MHS) Upgraded during EYETS16/17 h, f, F DDS h=256 MHS DDS Corrections from loops RF to cavity 11 any harmonic … … RF to cavity 96 any harmonic Migrating all user beams to MHS system, only longitudinal settings affected Recently done for LHCPROBE and LHCINDIV  transparent

Example: TOF Comparison of operational TOF beam with new clone using MHS Transverse Longitudinal Operational TOF cycle No measureable difference in beam parameters Migrate operational beams Accumulate experience New MHS TOF cycle