Formula SPEED
What is Work? When a force is applied to an object to move a distance
Formula SPEED
What is Kinetic energy? Energy of any matter in motion
What is Potential energy? The energy of position This is energy not yet in motion
Formula SPEED
What is Electromagnetism? Energy that comes from positive and negative parts of atoms Examples: Static shock & lightening
Formula SPEED
What is Nuclear Energy? Fusion : Energy produced when atoms come together Fission : Energy produced when an atoms splits apart.
Formula SPEED
What is Chemical Energy? Photosynthesis: sunlight & water used to make energy
Formula SPEED
What is Energy Exchange? Transforming one form of energy into another form. Water power, Nuclear power, wind power become electricity
Formula SPEED
What are the three laws of Thermodynamics? #1: Energy cannot be created nor destroyed #2: Energy never flows from colder to hotter. #3: Energy travels slower the colder it gets.
Formula SPEED
What is E = MC2? Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2 Matter & energy are different aspects of the same thing
Formula SPEED
Energy can be created and sometimes destroyed? FALSE
The formula physicists use to express the expenditure of work or energy is? Work = total force X distance traveled
Kinetic Energy is described as energy of matter in motion? TRUE
Potential Energy is not important in the total amount of energy available in the universe? FALSE
Electromagnetic energy only exists as radiant energy from the sun and stars? FALSE
Under intense heat two hydrogen isotopes will fuse to form a helium atom and release energy. This process is called? FUSION
Photosynthesis is a process that coverts the sun into chemical energy in the leaves of plants? TRUE
Energy can be changed or recycled from one form to another? TRUE
The second law of thermodynamics concludes that all things are moving towards? EQUILIBRIUM
Einstein’s formula of E = MC2 states that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared? TRUE
HOMEWORK Homework: Due Wednesday: page 377 #1.a.b.c. & 2.a.b.c. Due Thursday: page 388 #1.a.b.c. & 2.a.b.c. Due Friday: page 388 #3.a.b.c. & 4.a.b. & Vocab: Vocab words: Kinetic Energy, Potential energy, force, Newtons