American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Funding for Rural Communities David Shideler, Brian Whitacre Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Overview This gives you an idea of what funds are available in OK. In some cases, as we saw USDA, the programs are still waiting regulations and authorization from Federal agencies – so there’s not much to report. In other cases, the opportunity is currently soliciting applications or the deadline has passed. We will highlight those opportunities that remain available or that you will want to watch for more information. Our focus will be on community programs. I will also note now that key criteria in evaluating grants for ARRA funds will be job creation, and the extent to which the jobs are created locally.
Energy Programs State Energy Program RFP deadline passed on April 27, 2009 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Program Priorities: Alternative fuel (compressed natural gas, hybrids), Demand management, Carbon capture, Renewable energy (ground source heat pumps), Energy efficiency (building retrofits), Education Deadlines: Community Proposals for State Funding, May 19, 2009 Proposals for Federal Funding, June 25, 2009 Weatherization Funds to be distributed to Community Action Agencies
Economic Development Community Development Block Grants Still awaiting final regulations Entitlement communities not eligible At least 51% of the jobs to be created will be held by or made available to persons who qualify as Low to Moderate Income (LMI) persons At least one (1) permanent job will be created for every $35,000 of CDBG funds requested. Lower costs per job ratios are encouraged Economic Development Infrastructure Financing Grants Maximum of $1 million Special set aside for Indian Tribes
Economic Development (cont’d.) Workforce Investment Act programs Funds will be distributed according to existing program formulas to the 12 WIBs State plan will be submitted to Federal agency by June 5, 2009 HHS Community Economic Development Projects Funds are available to community development centers for well- planned, financially viable, and innovative projects to enhance job creation and business development in low-income communities. The grants will be made as part of a broader strategy to address objectives such as arresting tendencies toward financial dependency, chronic unemployment, and community deterioration in urban and rural areas. Deadline: May 28, 2009
Economic Development (cont’d.) Dept of Labor’s Recovery Act Competitive Grant Opportunities $500 million targeted for projects that prepare workers for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy Solicitation will be issued no later than June 30, 2009
Transportation Green Transit Investments (TIGGER) For the purchase of capital investments that will lead to a reduction in energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions of a public transit system Deadline: May 22, 2009 Minimum grant: $2 million
Environment Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Funding will go towards construction projects for drinking water systems in the form of 30% grant, 70% loan packages Deadline: June 16, 2009 Agency: OK Department of Environmental Quality Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Funding will go towards construction projects for new wastewater facilities, or replacement / rehabilitation of existing facilities More info:
Environment (cont’d.) Water Marketing and Efficiency Grants Agency: Bureau of Reclamation Seeks to fund cost share projects that bank water, market water, conserve water, or generally make more efficient use of existing water supplies
Broadband Broadband Grants $4.7B through NTIA Some funds (~$200M) will be available for libraries / community colleges 3 rounds of funding (split evenly) April – June 2009 October – December 2009 April – June 2010
Additional Opportunities Communities facing high unemployment: Businesses looking for Stimulus funds: Keep checking the web!!
Resources “The Federal Stimulus Package: Funds Available to Oklahoma State and Local Governments” Available at: usbrief[1].pdf These are key resources to get information on the various agencies/programs impacted by ARRA.