Maggie Riley, MD, Meg Dobson, MD, Eric Skye, MD Using faculty and resident-faculty meetings to promote a culture of mentorship, faculty development, wellness, and community Maggie Riley, MD, Meg Dobson, MD, Eric Skye, MD
Mentorship – Background Lack of quality mentorship has been identified as an impediment to a successful academic career Having a mentor has been associated with increased career satisfaction, academic productivity, and a sense of community The majority of faculty across a variety of specialties report that they do not have a mentor Junior faculty in particular have reported that they are lacking in effective mentorship.
Mentorship Program - Components Assigned Mentor All New Faculty- In Contract “Junior Faculty” – Updated Peer Mentoring Group New Faculty Recent Faculty (≤ 3 yrs) Faculty Development/Mentoring Sessions Financial Support
Faculty Development/Mentoring Sessions Goals Build departmental community/culture Improve departmental connections/networks Enhance mentorship selections Skill Development for Mentors Mentees
Faculty Development/Mentoring Sessions Logistics Faculty & Staff Lead Develop quarterly topics/events Recruit speakers/facilitators Track mentoring assignments Deliver regular communications
Panel of Experts Faculty Meeting Departmental and Institutional “experts” Varying constituents Assigned questions for each “expert” Panel reaction Q&A
Speed Mentoring Faculty Meeting All faculty rotate all stations in small groups Assigned Topics: Getting started/involved in research Leadership roles and opportunities Work/Life balance Effectively working with my mentor Improving my precepting- tips and best practices More effective teaching of M-3’s Getting started with professional writing Outcomes
CV Review Session Faculty Meeting Format Review Brief CV Consultations Facilitated update of current CV’s Discussion of activities balance Allows understanding of “valued” activities Brief CV Consultations
Burnout and Wellness Faculty-Resident Meeting Background info Small group discussion Cases Lead into mentor meetings
Career Values Resident-Faculty meeting Exercise and discussion Exploring Values Directions: You have $5000 to spend in a values auction. First, allocate your funds in column A (minimum $0, use increments of $100). Then in Column B, check your top 5 values. Do not proceed to next page until this is completed. A. B. Budgeted Amount Check top 5 1 Work that emphasizes helping others 2 Relative independence from others 3 Opportunities for continuing promotion 4 Power to decide organization policies and courses of action
Professional Network Survey Faculty meeting Exercise and discussion In the table below please list the 5 colleagues most important to you today Name Male/Female How Length Relationship Affiliation Contact Focus 1 Evaluate network All women - may lack positional leaders, so could be strengthened Friends in top five - network likely limited - need to add more working colleagues All less than two years - a network in transition All more than 5 years - could be stale - time to meet some new colleagues
Mentorship – Next steps Evaluate mentorship program Including large group sessions Continue investing in development of mentors Find more large group activities! Junior faculty in particular have reported that they are lacking in effective mentorship.