Herod’s Temple Jesus: “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down” (Matt. 24:1)
“When therefore will these things be. …What shall be the sign. (Lk “When shall these things be? What shall be the sign when these things are all about to be accomplished” (Mk. 13:4) “…what shall be the sign of thy coming? And the end of the world (age)” (Matt. 24:3)
“When”…Don’t be led astray
“When”…Don’t be led astray BUT THE END IS NOT YET: (Matt. 24:5-6, Lk. 21:8, Matt. 24:23-27)
“When”…Don’t be led astray BUT THE END IS NOT YET: (Matt. 24:5-6, Lk. 21:8, Matt. 24:23-27) IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF TRAVAIL: (Matt. 24:7-8)
“When”…Don’t be led astray BUT THE END IS NOT YET: (Matt. 24:5-6, Lk. 21:8, Matt. 24:23-27) IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF TRAVAIL: (Matt. 24:7-8) THEN…delivered up, killed, hated, false prophets, iniquity multiplied – love shall wax cold (Matt. 24:9-12, Mk. 13:12, Lk. 21:13-15)
“When”…Don’t be led astray BUT THE END IS NOT YET: (Matt. 24:5-6, Lk. 21:8, Matt. 24:23-27) IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF TRAVAIL: (Matt. 24:7-8) THEN…delivered up, killed, hated, false prophets, iniquity multiplied – love shall wax cold (Matt. 24:9-12, Mk. 13:12, Lk. 21:13-15) HE THAT ENDURETH TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED (Matt. 24:13)
“When”…Don’t be led astray BUT THE END IS NOT YET: (Matt. 24:5-6, Lk. 21:8, Matt. 24:23-27) IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF TRAVAIL: (Matt. 24:7-8) THEN…delivered up, killed, hated, false prophets, iniquity multiplied – love shall wax cold (Matt. 24:9-12, Mk. 13:12, Lk. 21:13-15) HE THAT ENDURETH TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED (Matt. 24:13) THEN SHALL THE END COME (Matt. 24:14, Col. 1:23)
“When”…Don’t be led astray BUT THE END IS NOT YET: (Matt. 24:5-6, Lk. 21:8, Matt. 24:23-27) IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF TRAVAIL: (Matt. 24:7-8) THEN…delivered up, killed, hated, false prophets, iniquity multiplied – love shall wax cold (Matt. 24:9-12, Mk. 13:12, Lk. 21:13-15) HE THAT ENDURETH TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED (Matt. 24:13) THEN SHALL THE END COME (Matt. 24:14, Col. 1:23) WHAT END? TEMPLE DEMOLISHED
“SIGNS OF WHEN” TO FLEE JERUSALEM When you see the “abomination of desolation” standing in the holy place – flee into the mountains of Judea (Matt. 24:16, Dan. 9:27) If on the housetop – do not go down to take things (Matt. 24:17) In in the fields – do not return to take cloak (Matt. 24:18) Hard enough to save self – woe to nursing mothers (Matt. 24:19) Pray that your flight not have to be in winter or on a Sabbath (Matt. 24:20) Besieging army gathered like eagles on a carcase (Matt. 24:28, Lk. 21:20)
Son of man coming in the clouds for Judgement… Sun, moon, stars not shining, powers of heaven shaken – imagery of nations falling (Matt. 24:29, Isa. 13:10, 34:4) Son of man coming in judgment on the nation of Israel (Matt. 24:30, Zeph. 1:15-17, Nah. 1:3, Joel. 2:2, Jer. 4:13, Matt. 26:64)
Son of man coming in the clouds for Judgement… Sun, moon, stars not shining, powers of heaven shaken – imagery of nations falling (Matt. 24:29, Isa. 13:10, 34:4) Son of man coming in judgment on the nation of Israel (Matt. 24:30, Zeph. 1:15-17, Nah. 1:3, Joel. 2:2, Jer. 4:13, Matt. 26:64) Angels sent to give help to the Elect (Matt. 24:31, Lk. 21:26-28, Matt. 18:10, Heb. 1:14)
Son of man coming in the clouds for Judgement… Sun, moon, stars not shining, powers of heaven shaken – imagery of nations falling (Matt. 24:29, Isa. 13:10, 34:4) Son of man coming in judgment on the nation of Israel (Matt. 24:30, Zeph. 1:15-17, Nah. 1:3, Joel. 2:2, Jer. 4:13, Matt. 26:64) Angels sent to give help to the Elect (Matt. 24:31, Lk. 21:26-28, Matt. 18:10, Heb. 1:14) Parable of the fig tree: summer is nigh when tree puts forth leaves (Matt. 24:32-33)
Son of man coming in the clouds for Judgement… Sun, moon, stars not shining, powers of heaven shaken – imagery of nations falling (Matt. 24:29, Isa. 13:10, 34:4) Son of man coming in judgment on the nation of Israel (Matt. 24:30, Zeph. 1:15-17, Nah. 1:3, Joel. 2:2, Jer. 4:13, Matt. 26:64) Angels sent to give help to the Elect (Matt. 24:31, Lk. 21:26-28, Matt. 18:10, Heb. 1:14) Parable of the fig tree: summer is nigh when tree puts forth leaves (Matt. 24:32-33) This generation shall not pass away till all these things be accomplished (Matt. 24:34, Matt. 23:36, Matt. 11:16-19)
None knows the day of God’s Judgment: Be Ready to escape Like the days of Noah – too late when the flood came (Matt. 24:37-39) Two men in the field – two women grinding at the wheel: one taken in judgment; one left to escape Watch for you know not when the Lord will come (Matt. 24:42) Be ready like a watchful master of the house (Matt. 24:43-44, 45-51, Lk. 21:34,36)
PARALLEL OF LUKE 17 AND MATT. 24 Son of Man coming in judgment as lightening (Lk. 17:23-24, Matt. 24:26-27) Matt. 24:28 Matt. 24:35
PARALLEL OF LUKE 17 AND MATT. 24 Son of Man coming in judgment as lightening (Lk. 17:23-24, Matt. 24:26-27) Matt. 24:28 Rejected of this generation (Lk. 17:25, Matt. 24:34) Matt. 24:35
PARALLEL OF LUKE 17 AND MATT. 24 Son of Man coming in judgment as lightening (Lk. 17:23-24, Matt. 24:26-27) Days of Noah (Lk. 17:26-27, Matt. 24:37) Matt. 24:28 Rejected of this generation (Lk. 17:25, Matt. 24:34) Matt. 24:35
PARALLEL OF LUKE 17 AND MATT. 24 Son of Man coming in judgment as lightening (Lk. 17:23-24, Matt. 24:26-27) Days of Noah (Lk. 17:26-27, Matt. 24:37) Matt. 24:28 Rejected of this generation (Lk. 17:25, Matt. 24:34) Matt. 24:35 Directions if on housetop or in field (Lk. 17:31, Matt. 24:17-18)
PARALLEL OF LUKE 17 AND MATT. 24 Son of Man coming in judgment as lightening (Lk. 17:23-24, Matt. 24:26-27) Days of Noah (Lk. 17:26-27, Matt. 24:37) Matt. 24:28 Rejected of this generation (Lk. 17:25, Matt. 24:34) Two women grinding at the wheel (Lk. 17:35, Matt. 24:41) Matt. 24:35 Directions if on housetop or in field (Lk. 17:31, Matt. 24:17-18)
PARALLEL OF LUKE 17 AND MATT. 24 Son of Man coming in judgment as lightening (Lk. 17:23-24, Matt. 24:26-27) Days of Noah (Lk. 17:26-27, Matt. 24:37) Matt. 24:28 Rejected of this generation (Lk. 17:25, Matt. 24:34) Two women grinding at the wheel (Lk. 17:35, Matt. 24:41) Matt. 24:35 Directions if on housetop or in field (Lk. 17:31, Matt. 24:17-18) Where Body is – eagles gathered together (Lk. 17:37, Matt. 24:28)