Grading/Progress Reports to Parents


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Grading/Progress Reports to Parents Socorro Independent School District Grading/Progress Reports to Parents EIA (REGULATION) 2016-2017

Grading Scales - Report Cards & Progress Reports Pre-K & Kindergarten Students in prekindergarten and kindergarten shall be promoted to the next grade level. Grades are based on a developmental scale aligned to state standards and guidelines. Grades 1-12 The basic consideration for grading is determining the progress a child makes based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Students are graded on a scale of 0-100. Scale Description 2-4 Passing/ Met Expectations 1 Failing/ Did Not Meet Expectations I Incomplete LOC Loss of Credit/ Excessive Absences (K-12) Scale Description 70-100 Passing/ Met Expectations Below 70 Failing/ Did Not Meet Expectations I Incomplete LOC Loss of Credit/ Excessive Absences (K-12)

Grading Guidelines - Gradebook Grades 1-5 Policy Guidelines: Daily Grades 15 grades minimum 85% of nine weeks grade Major Grades Unit tests, common assessments, benchmark exams, projects, etc. 15% of nine weeks grade Grades 6-8 Policy Guidelines: Daily Grades 15 grades minimum 60% of nine weeks grade Major Grades Unit tests, common assessments, projects, etc. 30% of nine weeks grade Nine Weeks Test 10% of nine weeks grade Grades 9-12 Policy Guidelines: Daily Grades 15 grades minimum 50% of nine weeks grade Major Grades Unit tests, common assessments, projects, etc. 30% of nine weeks grade Nine Weeks Test 20% of nine weeks grade *Also applies to high school courses taken at middle school or K-8 campuses

Grading Guidelines - Gradebook Online Instruction Policy Guidelines grades 9-12: Daily Grades & Major Grades 80% of quarter grade End of Quarter Exams 20% of quarter grade The official grade book for online learning will be kept with the student’s coursework using the online learning courseware. The progress report will include the student grade as well as a percentage of the course that has been completed. Grades as reported through progress reports will serve as the reporting mechanism for UIL purposes. Refer to EHD REGULATION for online instruction guidelines. Dual Credit Courses Dual credit classes will adhere to college grading guidelines outlined in the course’s syllabus. Dual credit teachers will provide a copy of the syllabus and follow all grade reporting timelines. Parents will have access to the teacher’s grading policy.

Grading Procedures Every effort should be made to assist all students to achieve mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Students will have two days for each day absent to make up missed work Giving a zero as a grade for missed work is not a best practice.

Grading Procedures Teachers shall provide a written copy of their grading procedures to students and parents to include opportunities to redo a failing assignment or test. Students and parents can request the opportunity to redo a failed assignment or test within 5 school days of receiving notification. The grade earned when redoing an assignment or test shall be averaged with the grade earned on the first attempt, and the averaged grade shall replace the failing grade. Students shall be given one opportunity to redo a failed assignment or test.

Make Up Work - Related to an Absence Students will be permitted to make up assignments and tests without grade penalty after an excused absence. Two days for each day absent. A zero can be permanently recorded after reasonable notification efforts (i.e. parent call, note home, etc.) have been made.

Make Up Work - Truancy/Unexcused Absences A student shall be required to make up all missed assignments and/or tests due to the truancy/unexcused absence. Students’ grades shall be based only on academic factors that include the TEKS and other curriculum elements. A student’s grade shall not be penalized for non-instructional reasons except in the case of academic dishonesty (EIA LOCAL).

Make Up Work – Late Enrollment Any student enrolling after the first day of instruction shall be given at least one opportunity to submit work for incomplete or missing transfer grades. Grading procedures and the amount of time allowed to complete the assignment should be determined by grade level or department teacher teams and approved by the principal.

Conversion Scale – Transfer Grades (EIC Local) 95 B 85 C 77 D 72 F 65 Average based on 100-point scale Average based on four-point GPA scale 100 4.00 84 2.88 99 3.93 83 2.75 98 3.87 82 2.63 97 3.80 81 2.50 96 3.73 80 2.38 95 3.67 79 2.25 94 3.60 78 2.13 93 3.53 77 2.00 92 3.47 76 1.80 91 3.40 75 1.60 90 3.33 74 1.40 89 3.27 73 1.20 88 3.20 72 1.00 87 3.13 71 .80 86 3.07 70 .60 85 3.00   CONVERSION SCALE 4 95 3 85 2 75 1 65 CONVERSION SCALE P 85 F 65

Conversion Scale – Transfer Grades (EIC Local)

Accountability - High Class Failure Rates Teaches with a nine week and/or semester failure rate of greater than 10% or of concern to the campus principal in any subject area will be required to develop and submit an intervention support plan for struggling students that will be monitored by the principal and/or campus RTI committee.

Accountability – Pass/Fail Borderline Teachers should be prepared to provide an update to the campus principal for students whose grade averages are on the pass/fail borderline of 68%-69%, including strategies for academic supports for all grade reporting periods (i.e. 3rd, 6th, and 9th weeks).

Accountability - High Campus Failure Rates Schools with a nine-week and/or semester failure rate of greater than 10% in any grade/subject will be required to develop and implement an intervention support plan for struggling students. The principal will include the details of the plan in their CIP.

Accountability - High Campus Retention Rates School failure rates resulting in greater than 5% retention of students in any grade level, may result in additional required interventions and/or supports as deemed appropriate by the Chief Academic Officer.

Questions??? Scenario 1: Gilbert is enrolling during the last week of September, from a public school in San Diego, California. He is six years old and has a report card promoting him to the 2nd grade. He has been on summer vacation and does not have any transfer grades for the first four weeks. Questions: What procedures will your campus follow? Who makes this decision at your campus? What will Gilbert’s classification be at your campus? What does Gilbert have to do about the missing grades? What do Gilbert’s teacher(s) have to do about his missing grades? Scenario #2: Maritza is an 8th grade student transferring mid semester from an accredited middle school in Ysleta mid with grades in progress for dance; however, your campus does not offer this elective. What elective courses can the grades be transferred into? What elective courses go together? If there are no corresponding courses available, then what? When does the use of “NG” apply for the grade book? What if the campus offers the course during the next semester?