Mrs. Dugas – Classroom News September 14th-18th Mrs. Dugas – Mark your calendar * A peek at the week + Math: review addition and subtraction identify place value to 99 write numbers to 99 Religion: review chapter 3 on the Bible as God’s word caring for God’s children Science: identify bodies of water identify different landforms Reading: leveled readers comprehension skill: characters and setting Language: identify statements and questions Spelling: long vowels Phonics Mon. Sept. 14th – progress reports issued Wed. Sept. 16th –no mass today. Fri. Sept. 18th. – fair t-shirt day A Note from Your Teacher: n We are slowly getting into fair mode. You may send your basket item or cash donation in whenever you can. Anything that goes along with camo or sportsman's paradise will work well. If you would rather send a cash donation, the room moms can shop for you. We are working on the skit slowly but surely. Our song is called Superhero by Sam Hughes. Thanks for all of the support during this crazy time of the year. Have a great weekend and upcoming week. Mrs. Dugas * r September birthdays z None
Mrs. Dugas – Test Schedule September 14th-18th Mrs. Dugas – Upcoming Tests: Tuesday Reading test on “Exploring Space with an Astronaut” Math chapter 1 test (The study sheet is coming home Friday in case anyone wishes to begin studying over the weekend.) Thursday Language quiz on statements and questions (Look over p. 68-71 in green grammar book) Friday Spelling test Reading quiz on characters and setting Spelling words: n time Pete robe take juice mule green pain five seen sail late hope dime soap Notes: We will continue copying study assignments each Monday into the assignment pad. The students are starting to get used to doing this so it is going much more smoothly now. Please ensure your child has his/her assignment pad at school every Monday. We will review “Exploring Space with an Astronaut” on Monday and take the test on Tuesday. We will begin vocabulary for our next story on Tuesday. Since the skill associated with our next story - identifying the characters and setting of stories is a review, we will review this skill Tuesday –Thursday and have the quiz on this Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me! r Vocabulary words bear father mother build lanterns shivered couldn’t love snuggled drooled straight z
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