The Politics of Protest Politics and Economics Chapters 30 and 32 The Politics of Protest Politics and Economics *
The Feminist Movement The 1960s spirit of protest carried over to the Women’s Movement. In the 1960s, women were paid less… Feminism – the belief that women should be equal socially, Women were expected to be content as… *
Betty Friedan Friedan wrote a book called The Feminine Mystique. Friedan believed that society assumed marriage was the only “feminine” option. The book told of unfulfilled women who were caught in the daily grind of child care, … *
Equality in Education Girls were routinely denied equal access to education. Title IX, a federal act prevented discrimination against girls in all aspects… *
Roe v. Wade (1973) Until this supreme court decision, individual states regulated abortion rulings. In most cases, a woman faced criminal charges if… The landmark case Roe v. Wade said abortions were legal in the first trimester because women had a… *
Equal Rights Amendment To ensure gender equality, Congress passed the ERA. The proposed constitutional amendment outlawed… The amendment was never ratified by enough states and did not become part of the Constitution. However, the ERA is important because… *
Affirmative Action AA – actively recruiting and hiring women… Intent of AA – to make society fairer because of… AA sometimes called “reverse discrimination” because… *
Affirmative Action Tested Allen Bakke, a white man, was denied entrance to medical school. He discovered that some women and minorities had actually scored lower than him on the med. school exam. Bakke sued in the case University of California Regents v. Bakke (1974). The court said… ROYO “Equal Access to Education” p. 934. *
Saving the Earth Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring warned of the dangerous nature of DDT, a commonly used pesticide. Companies who produced chemicals protested… HSO – increased awareness that humans were… Environmental Protection Agency- regulated… Liberal or conservative? *
Many internal divisions took place during the 1960s. Examples: conservatives v. liberals workers v. students whites v. blacks old v. young A Conservative Backlash (Silent Majority) developed. *
Conservative Backlash Silent Majority – a reaction against the social protests of the 1960s and a desire to return… Nixon appealed to the Silent Majority and championed a more conservative course for government. *
Nixon’s New Federalism New Federalism – Nixon pledged to give more power back to… Conservative or liberal? How did the Silent Majority feel about New Federalism? *
Nixon and Foreign Policy In the summer of 1971, Secretary of State Kissinger visited China. The visit ended two decades of…. The developing relationship between the US and China made the Soviet Union feel… The Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and Nixon met and agreed to “détente.” *
US and USSR Relations Détente meant… Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) followed – the two countries agreed to limit… *
Election of 1972 Republican – Nixon Democrat – George McGovern Nixon easily reelection. *
The Watergate Complex *
Watergate The Democratic National Committee headquarters was burglarized. Police arrested five men and recovered cameras, film, and… To insure Nixon’s 1972 reelection, and organization, Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) formed. John Mitchell headed CREEP. *
Watergate (continued) G. Gordon Liddy, a CREEP member, came up with the idea to break into the Democratic headquarters. He hope to wiretap phones and find information… Word of the Watergate break-in reached the Washington Post where two young reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein researched… *
Watergate (continued) The reporters soon discovered the thieves had received money from CREEP. Publicly, Nixon denied any involvement by his staff or CREEP members. Privately, Nixon authorized $460,000 to be… Finally, James McCord, one of the men caught in the Watergate told… *
The Watergate Trial The Senate began investigation of an executive cover-up of the break-in. It was revealed the Nixon had ordered the White House “bugged” so he could hear private conversations. Tapes of those conversations existed. Nixon refused to turn the tapes over to authorities saying…the tapes were a matter of national security. *
Trial (continued) Nixon’s popularity decreased when his vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned because of…income tax evasion. *
United States v. Nixon The Supreme Court ordered that Nixon turn over unedited copies of the White House tape recordings. The tapes revealed that Nixon had ordered the CIA to…cover up the break-in Nixon resigned before his impeachment. Congress quickly approved Gerald Ford as the new…president. Ford was the only person ever to NOT be elected by the people as president or VP. *
Ford Becomes President One of Gerald Ford’s first moves as president was to pardon…Nixon of crimes associated with Watergate The Watergate scandal turned many people off to politics and opened the way for a new-comer… Jimmy Carter. *