Create relevant links to your contacts and Manage their contents The Easy Catalog by Mobislide Create relevant links to your contacts and Manage their contents Aggregation, Hosting, Broadcast, Update and Management of Heterogeneous Multi-Media Content, Organizable by Topic into Digital Catalog. STAGE: ROUND A, Pre-Revenues Industry : New MEDIA Number OF EMPLOYEES: 3 Market Size: over $20B Investment opportunity: Between $4M and $5M Use of Proceeds: Mobislide is a SAAS platform which allows to create quickly and easily catalogs, business cards, targeted presentations, and more. The Mobislide Catalog is system and device independent. It can be used Off-Line and synchronizes when On-Line. Management team David : CEO, MSc Computer Science, MBA, Founder of other companies specializing in ERP and mobility solutions Louis : CTO, MEng Computer Science, creator of mobile apps ZILEXPO and ZILMON Business Summary: Mobislide is a platform used to create digital catalogs in an easy and quick way. Catalogs are always up to date, responsive and shareable through any channel (email, blog, social medias, website) Need/Opportunity: Millions of users all over the world (SMB’s, administrations, associations,…) can’t express themselves or present their know-how, merchandises, services, or products on the internet, due to their lack of relevant skills, associated costs and complexity of updating. Solution: Mobislide provides an online platform where users can host data, aggregate elements (photo, video, media objects, …) in slides (i.e. lines) into digital catalogs, and then create seemlessly, cheaply and in less than 1 minute any number of digital custom-made catalogs to the exact customer’s expectations. No computer, design or marketing skills required. Mobislide is developped as a Saas Service, 100% Html, SQL compliant and cheap. It's also easly scalable. Top Milestones: Raised 500K$ from owner and early investors; Hired key personnel; Created V1.0 platform; Signed 50 customers in 2 months Competitors How Mobislide is different Website Makers Coherent Targeted Communication is built-in Time and update costs are significantly lower Mobislide Catalogs can be used offline Paper Catalog Multimedia content, Updates, and filtering are a basic functionality of Mobislide Distribution and Inventory Management is seemless Presentation Tools/Apps Possibility to create non-Linear presentations, hence ensuring to keep the focus of the reader or the listener Device and market store-independent Contact information David +33 6 08 47 00 37 Go To Market: Hire programmers and designers to further develop the platform, Online advertisement on social media, search engines, and exhibitions. Hire sales reps, Identify strategic partners, and develop a market place Revenue Model: Dependent on the size of customers between (30 to 1000$ per month) Ad revenues from other providers