Ordering Acute Toxins By Samer Alam
Outline Background of issue Risk assessment Specific solution and implementation plan Metric to track the effectiveness of solution
Chemical needed Purchase form submitted PI signs form Chemical used Background of issue While Chemical Hygiene Plan and a Standard Operating Procedure req, purchasing procedure is same as regular items: Chemical needed Purchase form submitted PI signs form Chemical used Chemical received Order placed
Background of issue, cont’d Students may not be aware of the hazard PI is the only checkpoint; may not know the name of every toxin Clear designation of ‘particularly hazardous substance’ in the CHP is lacking* Establishment of a designated area Use of containment devices Procedures for safe removal of contaminated waste Decontamination procedures * https://www.osha.gov
Risk assessment Catastrophes could happen if PI does not catch the order Acute toxin not recognized EH&S wouldn’t be able to help since they are not made aware User/other personnel/environment can be affected Poisoning can be fatal
Specific solution and implementation plan Checkpoints before and after ordering acute toxin: Chemical needed Purchase form submitted PI signs form Chemical used Chemical received Order placed
Specific solution and implementation plan, cont’d Before ordering CHP needs to have a ‘particularly hazardous substance’ designation Students should be made aware of the hazards and proper procedures Attach a simple form to any purchase form involving ordering acute toxins After ordering the toxin, but before using it Safety managers made aware of the acute toxin order upon receiving it
Additional individual new student training
Lab PI: _________________ Lab Safety Manager: _________________ Person requesting order: _________________ Particularly Hazardous Substance: ______________ Amount of substance: _________________ Vendor: _________________ Date: _________________ Particularly Hazardous Substance ordering slip to attach to purchase form
Tracking the effectiveness of solution Could be tested during annual lab biosafety inspections During annual project renewal Random purchase form checks