Historical Maps England & Wales Jurisdictions 1851 maps.familysearch.org Historical Maps England & Wales Jurisdictions 1851
Common English Given Names Thomas Atkins – 2nd great-grandfather, married to Eliza Chapman, four children Census run using his name, birthdate (+/- 5 yrs.), birthplace - England 1841 – 1,276 results 1851 – 905 results Thomas Atkins married to Eliza – 9 results 1861 – 2,037 results Thomas Atkins married to Eliza – 57 results He is routinely connected with spouses and children from all over England. How many Thomas Atkins were in England in his time? How am I to know for sure which one is mine?
James Tanner Focus on the geographic location. Location must be as precise as possible. The location must be correctly identified. Start with a known location. Most common errors involve places.
Vital Information in Family Tree about Thomas Atkins Born: 1 Jan 1821; Dudley, Worcestershire, England Christened: 18 Feb 1821; Dudley, St. Thomas, Worcestershire, England Married: 23 May 1842; Dudley, Worcestershire, England Died: 3 Apr 1859; Birmingham, England Burial: 17 Apr 1859; Birmingham, Warwickshire England Note: Christening and burial dates are confirmed with sources. Marriage record is not. There is no record of their marriage in the Dudley parish.
Distance from Dudley, Worcestershire, England to Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England
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Map of England and Wales showing counties Searchable by parish
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Dark circle high lights parishes within a 5-mile radius of Dudley Dark circle high lights parishes within a 5-mile radius of Dudley. Parishes are listed on left.
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Thomas Atkins married in Stourbridge. Note District, Volume, Page Thomas Atkins married in Stourbridge. Note District, Volume, Page. Where is that?
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Certificate of Marriage
Record of banns of marriage for Thomas Atkins and Eliza Chapman Online digital copy of the banns found in Holy Trinity Wordsley, Parish Registers Banns, Volume S 1839 - 1850, IT 1; GS Film No. 1,470,766. Film Notes gave additional information about the parish. Notes Microfilm copy of original records in the Archives and Local History Department of the Dudley Public Libraries. St. Mary's Church, Kingswinford, was built as the parish church and remained that until the late 1820's. It was closed in 1831 for 15 years during a mining operation when it was feared the building would collapse. Re-opened in 1846, it has since continued in use. A new Parish Church was built in Wordsley because of the feared collapse of the St. Mary's Church. This new church, Holy Trinity Church Wordsley, opened in 1831 and became the present Kingswinford Parish Church.
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