Fairs and Exhibitions Corporation S.A CORFERIAS - Free Trade Zone Instruction Manual - Entry forms for national goods and nationalized goods
Fairs and Exhibitions Corporation S.A CORFERIAS - Free Trade Zone This instruction manual only applies to enter national goods and nationalized goods. If you want to enter international goods without nationalized you need to hire a Custom Agency and check the participation conditions numeral four.
Fairs and Exhibitions Corporation S.A CORFERIAS - Free Trade Zone http://servicios.corferias.com/rsu/?ano=2017&evento=500-389 1. 1. The Link to enter will be sent to your email with your user and your password.
1. Type in the e-mail address 2. Type the word: “corferias” 3. Click on: “Ingresar”
4. Click here
5. Select: “Entrada” 6. Select the type of document according to the type of goods that you have: NATIONAL GOODS REGISTRATION FORM: These are the goods that are produced in Colombia. This form doesn´t need any supporting documents. NATIONALIZED GOODS REGISTRATION FORM: The goods that are produced abroad and it was nationalized into Colombia through an importer or distributor. For the entrance of nationalized goods into the Free Trade Zone CORFERIAS, is necessary to attach and submit the copies of the supporting documents (import declarations or commercial invoices) along with the form that is issued on this platform at the end of this process. Please deliver these documents to the Foreign Trade Department Office of CORFERIAS, located at the Exhibitor Service Center (PLUS). 7. Click here
12. COMPANY NAME 14. EXHIBITOR LOCATION (pavillion) COMPANY 13. Company ID Number 00000000 15. PIEZA: fill in the number of units to be entered into the free trade zone 16. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE
22. Item Information: Click on “Adicionar Item” Please fill out the fields: Quantities, Goods descriptions, and unit values.
23. Click on: “Actualizar”, after that click on: “Imprimir” When filling the details of your goods, it is very important do it by ítem and not by reference. In this form you should to type the national goods as well goods that you need to build your stand. Remember you can modify the ítems but you couldn't delete it. 23. Click on: “Actualizar”, after that click on: “Imprimir”
This is the form give you by the system, please print it and deliver at the enter gate. (Entrance gate: AV CARRERA 40 # 32-44)
Tips about support documents for Nationalized goods You must attach and deliver a copy of the supporting documents (import declaration, if you are the importer or commercial invoice if you are the distributor) at foreign trade office of CORFERIAS, which is located at Exhibitor Service Center (PLUS) before the beginning of the trade show. The Number of the Import Declaration is: if it is an Import Declaration, please provide the last 14 digits of the payment sticker of the bank. If it is a virtual declaration please provide the number in Field No. 996. if it is a commercial invoice, please provide its number. DATE: The date will be the one registered in every document in Field No. 133 or the one stamped by the bank (collecting entity) in Field No. 997.
Tips about support documents for Nationalized goods 4. QUANTITY: The quantity refers to the number of tangible items to be entered into the free trade zone of CORFERIAS, keeping in mind not to exceed the quantity that is listed in the declaration form in Field No. 77 5. GOODS DESCRIPTION- FIELD No. 91: It is very important to verify that when the content of Field No. 91 ends with the text “continua al respaldo (continues in the back)”, that the backside of the sheet effectively contains that corresponding information; otherwise, it is necessary to contact the customs agency to obtain the final and completed declaration form, which you must keep at all times with you. 6. Please note that an Import Declaration without a release number is not valid; therefore it is very important and necessary to verify that every single import declaration has been duly completed in the Field No. 134;. If it has not been completed correctly, please proceed in the same way as listed in Point 5 above.
Relevant data into the Import Declaration 902013000000000-1 QUANTITY GOODS DESCRIPTION Approval Number of the Declaration RELEASE NUMBER AND DATE IMPORT DECLARATION NUMBER - LAST 14 DIGITS OF THE BANK STICKER
GOODS ENTRANCE AS TRAVELLER According to the new act 2147 of december 23th 2016, it's allowed to enter goods as traveller in your luggage, destined to Corferias, You must follow the next steps: first, you fill the 530 form “Luggage, Cash and money instruments customs declaration - travellers” and deliver at DIAN office into the Dorado Airport, the DIAN officers will check your information, if all its ok, they will autorized the goods exit. You must present the goods at Foreign trade department in Corferias along with the documents that Support it.
GOODS EXIT AS TRAVELLER The traveller must present to custom officer at Exit Airport, the goods along with the support exit document, called: Formulario de Movimiento de mercancías de Salida “Form move exit goods ” You must go at Foreign trade department to transact it one day before finish the fair or event.
SUGGESTIONS 1. If your user and password don't allowed to enter, please you ought to verify it with Commercial Department. 2. If you corrected your user and password and you can't enter, the Foreign trade department will support you. 3. Remember that you are responsible for your user and password as well as the information registered into the entrance forms, this is a sworn statement supervised by DIAN. 4. You only can elaborate one form for each type of goods (national goods and nationalized goods.)
SUGGESTIONS 6. Remember that you can add or modify the items if the form is not approved, but in any case you aren't allowed to remove the items. 7. For receive the “Paz y Salvo” you should have your documents approved with Foreign trade department, is you have nationalized goods you must deliver the Support documents ( import declarations or commercial invoices) that you described into the entrance form. 8. Keep in mind for entry the goods and material for building your stand into Corferias, you should deliver the entrance form at the gate. 9. The Support documents (import declarations or commercial invoices) only must be delivered at Foreign trade department, you don't should deliver this documents at the gate.
GOODS FROM ABROAD WITHOUT NATIONALIZED The goods From abroad without nationalized have a different process, you need to hire a custom agency, who will be in contact and coordination with Foreign trade department and DIAN office at Corferias.
FOREIGN TRADE DEPARTMENT CORFERIAS - CONTACTS INFORMATION MARIA PIEDAD RAMIREZ Ext. 5560 e-mail: mramirez@corferias.com HERNANDO GOMEZ Ext. 5561 e-mail: hgomez@corferias.com MICHAEL SARMIENTO Ext. 5608 e-mail: msarmiento@corferias.com FELIPE RODRIGUEZ Ext. 5567 e-mail: arodriguez@corferias.com DIEGO BENAVIDES Ext. 5716 e-mail: dbenavides@corferias.com RODRIGO SANTOS Ext. 5657 e-mail: rsantos@corferias.com