To do your best you must… attend the Academy regularly arrive to all your lessons promptly be settled at your desk ready to learn by 08:30
After 08:30 you are late and… the entrance gate from the car park at the side of the sports hall will be locked at 08:30
After 08:30 you are late and… the outside doors to the Learning Communities will be locked
After 08:30 you are late so… parents should not drop students in the main car park after 08:25
After 08:30 you are late and… You should enter or be dropped off at the main gate in Corporation Road
After 08:30 you are late and… You should enter through the Corporation Rd gates. These gates will be locked from 09:00
Late Entrance Students who arrive after 08:30 but before 09:00 should enter via Corporation Road and go through the late entrance into Small Eden opposite the construction block
Signing in late after 09:00 You must use the main reception and customer services entrance
If you are… ring and write home very late often late without a good reason we may: ring and write home require you to attend after school attendance catch up sessions need to meet with you and your parents
If your bus is very late…. You can use the restaurant entrance where a member of staff will be there to register you
To do your best you must… attend the Academy regularly arrive to all your lessons promptly be settled at your desk ready to learn by 08:30