SURVEY RESULTS: Marijuana… WOMEN’S BELIEFS ABOUT MARIJUANA USE DURING PREGNANCY: SURVEY RESULTS FROM COLORADO & PENNSYLVANIA JA Tarr1; J Sheeder3; C Holland1; N Ayari3; A Burke4; D Rubio2; K Kraemer2; N Day2; RM Arnold2; KL Rodriguez5; JC Chang1,2 1Magee-Women’s Research Institute, 2University of Pittsburgh, 3University of Colorado School of Medicine, 4University of Washington Seattle, 5 Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP), VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND METHODS CONCLUSION PENNSYLVANIA Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. Two states, Colorado and Washington have legalized recreational use of marijuana Little is known about women’s belief’s and attitudes regarding marijuana use prior to or during pregnancy. Ms. Tarr and Ms. Holland’s time and effort on this study was supported by the National Institute of Drug Abuse 1R01DA026410 (Chang, PI) This project wouldn’t be possible without the original survey by Dr. Jeanelle' Sheeder. Also we’d like to thank Treston Clark LaRue, Aysha Salter-Volz & Michelle Nkumsah who collected surveys at Magee Women’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. COLORADO • 32-item anonymous survey of: o Demographic information o Women’s opinions and beliefs on the use of marijuana • Conducted at two sites: o The University of Colorado’s Colorado Adolescent Maternity Program o The Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC’s Outpatient Ob/Gyn Clinic The majority in both states feel that marijuana is a natural herb but do not believe that perinatal marijuana use is “ok.” Most women in both states also believe that perinatal marijuana can affect the baby’s brain. The majority were uncertain or had no opinion regarding whether perinatal marijuana can cause a baby to be addicted to it in the future. Despite differences in legal and cultural environments regarding marijuana use, results from the two sites were similar. n=28 (mean/range) Age 19 (16 to 21) Race White 18% Black/ African American 21% Latina 54% Other 7% Missing 0% Education < High school 71% High School >High School 11% Marital Status Never Married 50% Married/Living w/Partner 46% Divorced/Separated/ Widowed 4% Currently Pregnant Yes 100% No Don’t know/Missing n=76 (mean/range) Age 33 (18 to 72) Race White 34% Black/ African American 52% Latina 1% Other 7% Missing 6% Education < High school 8% High School 33% >High School 53% Marital Status Never Married 56% Married/Living w/Partner 27% Divorced/Separated/ Widowed 10% Currently Pregnant Yes 64% No Don’t know/Missing 3% Objective To describe women’s attitudes and beliefs regarding perinatal marijuana use in Colorado (where adult recreational marijuana is legal) vs Pennsylvania (where marijuana use is illegal) To see the survey items and try it for yourself, scan the QR code. SURVEY RESULTS: Marijuana…