What’s your favourite saying? What attracts you to it? What’s your favourite saying? What does it mean? When would you use it? Where did it come from?
Unit Title: The Power of Words Focus Question: How am I inspired by powerful words? Learning Intention: To investigate reasons for words being powerful Success Criteria: To complete a higher level thinking task relating to the topic. Last Lesson This Lesson The Power of Words Next Lesson
Brainstorm! 1. Write down anything you associate with the theme ‘The Power of Words’.
Inspiring Words 2. What is the most inspiring thing you’ve ever read? Why? 3. Which words (book/poem/speech etc.) have changed your life? Why?
4. Why are words powerful?
Here are the top 5 most-read Bible verses on www.biblegateway.com 5. Look up each passage, copy it into your OneNote and then answer (for each passage): What is it about and why do you think these are the most read verses? John 3:16 Jer 29:11 Rom 8:28 Phil 4:13 Gen 1:1 Extension: The least popular passage is the four chapters in 1 Chronicles 23-27 Look it up and skim read it. Why do you think it is least popular?
Write down your favourite saying and describe why you like it. Copy all 10 sayings from the first slide and explain what they mean in your own words. Identify and explain two scenarios/ situations you could use two of the sayings form the first slide. Examine the poem ‘Sticks and Stones’ by Ruby Redfort on our Weebly and explain its meaning in a few sentences. (Note: There are a few spelling mistakes but it is a great poem nevertheless.) Create a poster or image that shows the positive or negative power words can have. Would you agree or disagree to the following statement: “Action speaks louder than words but sometimes words can hurt more than anything else.” Explain your answer. Choose your own tasks based on your confidence on the topic! Tip: Work at your own pace, this is not a race!