TE-MSC-SCD EYETS-2017-2018 26th September, 2017
GENERAL INFORMATION Control of thermo-swithes and insulation vacuum of current leads 600A, 6kA and 13kA. Pumping of insulation vacuum if necessary. Change of thermo-swithes if found any broken . To be done after all interventions on DFBs. Verification of 460 fans of current leads 60-120A. Visual inspection of: current leads, connection boxes on DFB frames, condition of top copper terminals (humidity/oxidation). Replacement of the signal cable « Sarep » from DFBAB.A7R1 (RR17) to transmit the inter lock signal to power converter RB.A12 (UA23). TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
CONTROL OF THERMO-SWITHES 64 x 13kA, 269 x 6kA and 716 x 600A, are 1049 thermo-swithes which assure the protection of the warm connection of current leads. Some were found broken because of mechanical interventions on the DFBs. Circuits have to be condemned in case of replacement of a broken thermo-switch. TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
INSULATION VACUUM 1049 insulation vacuum have to be inspected. If any current lead has to be re-pumped, the concerned circuit has to be condemned. Insulation vacuum port TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
INSULATION VACUUM Tooling connected during the pumping. (Fig:1) Cap with its safety rope in place after the pumping. (Fig:2) Fig:1 Fig:2 TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
VERIFICATION FANS 60-120A Check the proper functioning, absence of vibrations. The fans assure the absence of humidity on the terminal of the current leads 60-120A. Make sure of the presence of all elements installed for safety (grid, safety labels etc.). Circuits have to be condemned in case of replacement of fans. TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
VERIFICATION FANS 60-120A The fan and its protection. TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
VISUAL INPECTION Visual inspection to avoid or correct problems like : Water leak from warm cable on the copper head of a current lead; Instrumentation connection box damaged on the DFBs’s frame, etc. TE-MSC-SCD EYETS 2017-2018
TE-MSC-SCD LS2 26th September, 2017
GENERAL INFORMATION Pumping of insulation vacuum, change of all joint O’ring and stainless wire of 1049 current leads 600A, 6kA et 13kA. Change of all thermal switches (TS) of 600A, 6kA et des 13kA. Check, at end of LS2, of their integrity (visual inspection and change if required). Change of 460 de-humidifying fans of current leads 60-120A. Cleaning of 1840 warm connectors of 60-120A. Visual inspection of: current leads, connection boxes on DFB frames, condition of top copper terminals (humidity/oxidation). Install signal cables « Sarep » from DFBs to transmit the interlock signal to power converters. Révision of heating systems of current leads 600A, 6kA and 13kA. LS2
INSULATION VACUUM 1049 insulation vacuum have to be pumped. Circuits have to be condemned. Insulation vacuum port LS2
INSULATION VACUUM Tooling connected during the pumping. (Fig:1) Cap with its stainless steel safety wire in place after the pumping. (Fig:2) Fig:1 Fig:2 LS2
CHANGE OF THERMO-SWITHES 64 x 13kA, 269 x 6kA and 716 x 600A, are 1049 thermo-swithes which assure the protection of the warm connection to the RT power cables of the current leads. Circuits have to be condemned. LS2
REPLACEMENT OF FANS 60-120A Change of all fans. The fans assure the absence of humidity on the terminal of the current leads 60-120A. Circuits have to be condemned. LS2
REPLACEMENT OF FANS 60-120A The fan and its protection cover. LS2
CLEANING WARM CONNECTORS 60-120 A 1840 connectors to clean. The circuit have to condemned. LS2
VISUAL INPECTION Visual inspection to avoid or correct problems like : Water leak from warm cable on the copper head of a current lead. Instrumentation connection box damaged on the DFBs’s frame, etc. LS2
CABLES TS INTERSECTEURS. Replacement of thermo-switche cable cross-sector in order to leave the Fire Fighters telephone. Current lead New cable Main power supply Boitiers Sarep Boitiers Sarep Ligne pompier Secteur impair Secteur pair LS2
HEATING SYSTEM OF CURRENT LEADS. Check of heating system of current leads. (being discussed) LS2