Welcome! David Stanners This presentation is for a large extend inspired on the findings of the EEA's first indicator-based report on transport and environment (Are we moving in the right direction? Indicators on transport and environment integration in the EU - TERM-2000). TERM-2000 and its executive summary can also be found on http://themes.eea.eu.int/theme.php/activities/transport. Copies of the executive summary are available for the meeting participants. David Stanners
IEA at the EEA Past developments, future prospects David Stanners This presentation is for a large extend inspired on the findings of the EEA's first indicator-based report on transport and environment (Are we moving in the right direction? Indicators on transport and environment integration in the EU - TERM-2000). TERM-2000 and its executive summary can also be found on http://themes.eea.eu.int/theme.php/activities/transport. Copies of the executive summary are available for the meeting participants. David Stanners
How does the EEA reach its objectives? By providing a wide range of information and assessments of: The state of the environment and trends Pressures on the environment and the driving forces behind them Policies and their effectiveness Outlooks and scenarios……
EEA & IEA – the journey so far 1986-2006 From co-ordinating environmental data (CORINE ’86-’91) to policy relevant information (EEA) From inconsistent national views to European pictures From stand-alone “scientific” reports, to assessments synchronised with the EU policy process From backward looking to forward thinking From reliance on comprehensive assessments to increased use of targeted reports and core set of indicators Towards a shared information system and spatial data infrastructure (INSPIRE compliant) for…. ... modelling, natural capital & resource accounting..
Integrated assessment - major milestones 1995 1999 2005
Progress towards SO2 targets: 1980-2010 EEA (1995) Progress towards SO2 targets: 1980-2010 EEA (1995). Environment in the EU 1995
Progress towards municipal waste generation target: 1980-2000 EEA (1995). Environment in the EU 1995
The 1995 review on Integrated Environmental Assessment (NERI, RIVM et al) Set the basis for: DPSIR Indicators Data flows for integrated assessment modelling – DAFIA EFIEA (European Forum on Integrated Environmental Assessment: 1997- 2004) EEA’s 1999 five-year SOER
Data Flow analysis for 1999 SOER
The 1999 Review EFIEA special session Cph, Nov ’99 : some general findings Opportunities and limitations of EEA’s special (institutional) position and "boundary conditions” Importance of specifically linking/targeting policy processes Importance of dealing with uncertainty Strengthen modelling and scenarios (introduce new approaches) Distinguish and strengthen peer review and stakeholder invovement (review?)
Follow-up to EFIEA session: four studies Integrated assessment methodology for air pollution and GHG (RIVM, IIASA, NTUA, ETCs AE and AQ) Participatory integrated assessment methods (with F. Toth) "Cloudy crystal balls", assessment of recent scenario studies (with ICIS/J. Rotmans et al.) Scenarios as tools of IEA, identification of scenario building methods (with J. Alcamo)
EFIEA Special Session at EEA 31/11 – 1/12/1999 To review EEA's activities on IEA and to recommend future actions Focus on ”Turn of the Century” report Three papers: IEA at the EEA (C Gough) Utilities of the sciece policy interface (M Fergusson) Methodologies & techniques in IEA (C Hope) Summary report (M Fergusson): Form and content of future reporting Scientific issues (uncertainty, scenario building,..) Participation and communication Future perspectives
GEA-EEA joint workshop 1-3 March 2001 GEA – analysing assessment experiences (5 years) ”Assessment” – social process linking knowledge and action An assessments is more effective if: Credible (Is it true?) Salient (Is it relevant?) Legitimate (Is it fair?) Workshop focused on 3 themes (critical design choices) affecting these qualities: Participation Focus Science-policy interface
Some findings from GEA workshop Relation of institutional context and stage of issue development to policy recomendations.... Role of so-called ”boundary organisations” to improve effectiveness Iterative processes Narrowing the focus can be beneficial (not always obvious!) Dangers in mixing fields with different degrees of maturity Cultural and national differences in use of assessments Allocate resources to monitor and assess processes Need for some simple principles/guidebookfor practioners
Some next steps in IEA Initiate Scenarios Task Force to coordinate activities at European level (with EC, countries, OECD, UNEP.........) Organising the 2004 State & Outlook Report (scenarios, participation...) Data flow analysis: tool for consistency and visualisation of IEA components (with RIVM and WRc)
Data flow analysis for integrated analysis (Dafia) A tool for exploring the required data flow for consistent IEA and prospective analysis A tool for storing the (meta)data A tool for visualising the input, flow and output, and manipulation (models) of data
Some conclusions Join forces, build network, build capacity Target participation of stakeholders Match rhythm of assessments with relevant policy cycles Improve methodologies: scenario building, quality assured data, data flow analysis Communicate/disseminate – spread knowledge & practice of IEA to our practioners and users in EIONET (involve policy ”users”)...... How?! EFIEA’s role/responsibility?
Future challenges Supporting the EU SD strategy & integration process - indicators Science and governance debate changing approaches Information to help ”operationalise” the precautionary principle, and to hear and respond to early warnings The three ”Ts”: transport, tourism & territory Agriculture The enlargement