A presentation made by Lucas kirk and Max Syagrovskyy, Child soldiers A presentation made by Lucas kirk and Max Syagrovskyy,
Content of our project Child soldier recruitment Who does it affect? Issues with child soldiers Who uses child soldiers? And map of crisis
Who are child soldiers? Child soldiers are any children under the age of 18 who are recruited by a state or non-state armed group and used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, messengers, spies. In the last 15 years, the use of child soldiers has spread to almost every region of the world and every armed conflict. Though an exact number is impossible to define, there are thousands of child soldiers are illegally serving in armed conflict around the world. Some children are under the age of 10 when they are forced to serve.
Affection by child recruitment. Children who are poor, taken from their families, have limited access to education may be recruited with brute force to be child soldiers. Children that live in a combat zone are more likely to be forcibly recruited. Some children are under the age of 10 when they are forced to serve.
Child soldiers issues Child soldiers are any children under the age of 18 who are recruited by a state or non-state armed group and used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, messengers, spies. In the last 15 years, the use of child soldiers has spread to almost every region of the world and every armed conflict. Though an exact number is impossible to define, thousands of child soldiers are illegally serving in armed conflict around the world.
Affecters of child soldiers Some country's that use child soldiers are Mali, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Thailand, Pakistan. In the last 15 years, the use of child soldiers has spread to almost every region of the world and every armed conflict.
Map of child soldier use.
Helpers to stop the use of child soldiers Some organization's that help are the Cultures of Resistance Network, Amnesty International, CSI (child soldiers international) Canada is helping child soldiers by signing a treaty in 2002 to help rehabilitate child soldiers, As well, those who capture children must make every effort to reintegrate them into society. The church is helping by taking in child soldiers to teach them peace and not war, to help them get back on track.
Starting of child recruitment. Child recruitment started in the early 1980s in the lowlands of Mozambique a new warfare emerged that would sweep the country they are known as child soldiers. Child soldiers were easily manipulated, intensely loyal and fearless that is what made them perfect soldiers for terrorist groups The use of child soldiers started because less adults were wanting to join the army.
Recognizing of child issues It started to be recognized as a world issue when child soldiers population decreased as more suicide jobs were being preformed by child soldiers. Approximately 300,000 children are believed to be combatants in some thirty conflicts worldwide. Nearly half a million additional children serve in armies not currently at war.
Our research sites Child soldiers Wikipedia 22 facts about child soldiers Canada and child soldiers Toronto star
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