Written by : maxim v. and Nicholas m.


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Presentation transcript:

Written by : maxim v. and Nicholas m. Child soldiers Written by : maxim v. and Nicholas m.

facts about child soldiers Children under the age of 18 are being taken to the army to be used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, messengers and spies. There are about 300 000 child soldiers in the world. Not all child soldiers are boys. In fact 40% of child soldiers are girls.

how children get into the army Children get abducted by the government and from their homes. Not all children are abducted, they go to the army themselves in need of food clothing and security. Some children cannot support their families so they join the army.

who it affects It affects mostly children because they don’t get proper education and a peaceful childhood. It also affects their parents because they worry about their children and want them to have a good life. When there is war thousand and millions of children get killed or injured.

Helping organizations Many organizations are helping but, one of the main one is the United Nations. In 1996 the UN started fighting for stopping child soldiers and since then thousands of children have been saved from conflict. This all happened because of the security council of the UN which were aiming to stop child soldiers.

where its happening In 2011 some countries have reported that they use children as soldiers which are Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Mali, Pakistan, Thailand, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Even though these countries have reported that they use children as soldiers but, there still could be more countries with child soldiers.

This picture shows where there are child soldiers This picture shows where there are child soldiers. not all countries are from the page before. this picture was taken from google.

the history of child soldiers Child soldiers have been use for a long time like through out ww1and ww2. In ww1 250 000 boys under 18 joined the British army and in ww2 many boys fought in Europe. In 1863 a boy named Willie Johnson got the medal of honor at the age of 13 and he joined the army at 11 which shows that many children joined the army under 18.

when it became a world issue For the UN child soldiers became an issue in 1996. Since it has become a world issue many organizations have been fighting for children's rights and because it became a world issue thousands of lives were save and are still being saved today.

why child soldering started Child soldiering mostly started because the armies didn’t have enough soldiers to fight so they started using children. With the advantage of children, the armies could have more spies, soldiers and more battle strategies.

why people are using child soldiers Mostly to have an advantage because children are sneaky and have good hearing so if they sneak over and find out information that eventually will help the army win. That is a good battle strategy and there are many more which use children in them. If rebel gangs get hold of many children that could lead to a bad situation for the government and might even have the chance of taking over the country.

How Canada is helping Canada was the first to confirmed the so-called Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of a Child. Also Canada is helping the UN to stop child solders and other world issues.

How the Catholic church is helping Pope Benedict XVI offered his public support to the United Nations' efforts to prevent the recruitment and deployment of child soldiers. He prays each day for suffering children around the world. At the end of his weekly general audience June 24, the pope greeted Radhika Coormaraswamy, the U.N. secretary-general's representative for children and armed conflict.

The end Thanks for Watching!!!