Tightening Your Vagina One of the most private complaints from women is the concern about the looseness of their vaginas and the strategies that they can use to regain its tightness. The process of tightening a vagina is an awkward and humiliating task that women should undergo. Otherwise, they end up feeling that they have a flappy vagina, more so after childbirth.
Reasons for a Loose Vagina Natural process due to age The vagina can loosen because of multiple childbirths The vagina can also loosen due to adverse medical conditions, but this happens in rare cases
Some strategies that they can use to regain a tight vagina 1. Have Multiple Orgasms During orgasm, the pelvic muscles contracts and its floor muscles are toned up. This process enables the pelvic muscles to become strong, enabling you to have a tight vagina.
2. Practice Kegel Exercises Regularly These are also known as the pelvic floor exercises. This is because they target the pelvic parts and strengthens the pelvic floor. These exercises are necessary more so when you want to start treating a loose vagina especially if you are not able to reach a climax. These exercises are helpful if done on a regular basis.
3. Herbal Treatment Methods Pueraria Mirifica Curcuma Comosa Natural douches Water and vinegar Boiled gooseberry Diluted pickling spices, alum powder, and lime juice
4. Insert Geisha Balls (Ben-Wa Balls) This should be combined with the Kegel exercises. Inserting Ben-Wa Balls helps to tighten the inner walls of the vagina. These balls are weighted, and once you insert them, you must engage your muscles and try to squeeze them while they are in the vagina.
5. Using Secret Ceres Secret Ceres is an organic herbal stick that is highly potent. The stick can internally heal, cleanse, and tighten a loose vagina, increase the libido and sexual sensation, and rebalance the PH of the vagina. Using the Secret Ceres can make your vagina become super tight, and this is why it is called the magical stick.
6. Exercise You can explore some exercises like Pilates and Yoga. These exercises include the pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening core muscles helps the pelvic floor muscles to become tighter.
7. Eating a Health Diet Keep your body muscles strong by eating a balanced diet to ensure their normal growth and repair. Maximize on eating foods such as organic carbohydrates, lean animal protein (an excellent muscle builder), fruits and vegetables to maintain all your body muscles strong. These foods can help you to have a tighter vagina raise sex confidence levels and have fun with your partner during intercourse. You will have the power and confidence to enjoy your sex life.
8. Using the V-tight Gel The V-tight gel is cream that you can use to tighten a loose vagina. The cream tightens the vaginal walls and the skin, making sex enjoyable and raises your confidence. It is most effective if used together with exercise programs intended to tighten a loose vagina. You can apply the cream and have sex with your partner after a few minutes because it works very fast.
Contact Us Vagifirm™ http://vagifirm.com/ support@vagifirm.com https://www.facebook.com/vagifirm https://twitter.com/Vagifirm http://about.me/vagifirm (877) 438-1729