ONLINE LEARNING….. …….the way of the future?
WHO AM I? ESL teacher (12 years) 3 years teaching ‘online’ Professional Development Officer (Online Learning) TAFE SA eLearning Coordinator (Douglas Mawson TAFE)
THE WAY OF THE FUTURE? Is this a loaded question? should it be? (force, imposition) will it be? (acceptance, neutral) can you influence it? (control) ------------------------------------------------- Do you see the future (change?) as inherently positive? Do you see the future (change?) as inherently negative?
Somewhere something has gone terribly terribly wrong!
World Trade Centre Attack Within 24 hours there were websites for examining the event for students of: English Media Social Work, Community Services, Health Society, Politics, Law, Economics Religion, Ethics Engineering
ONLINE LEARNING INCLUDES: Use of email to send and receive assignments using websites in the classroom doing online assessments in the classroom using discussion forums between classes SO, it does not have to be a remote activity
So is Online Education dying before it even gets started? Not really, but it is being transformed eLearning (includes ON CAMPUS web enhanced instruction) 3 day international conference and not one session on online education as it was initially conceived
Why the transformation? The fully remote model is expensive and time (and time = money) hungry to establish requires high degree of technical skill from teachers and students suits only highly motivated, independent learners BUT IN THE CORPORATE WORLD: they have the money saves travel costs eg Qantas College Online
The Dance with the Devil Educational institutions have the content, the subject expertise, and want the technology the corporate world has the money so…do we dance with the devil?* *Richard Katz, Educause
The Youth Factor Grange Primary School
The Youth Factor 2004: the first generation of children who have never NOT known the Net reach high school 13-15 yr olds are the ‘most wired’ (the ‘baby boomer echoes’)
The Youth Factor Research* on 7,000 children in USA and 1,000 in Canada revealed: Most successful students online are the 13 –15 year old group. 78% have used the Internet to do their homework 60% have communicated with teachers online *Forrester research (
OPINION: “ Does anyone really think they can get a degree online that is the equivalent of getting one from a real university where you can brush shoulders with colleagues in a professional and academic environment? ONLINE EDUCATION IS A SCAM. BIG TIME.”
THE REPLY#1 If I hadn’t been able to do my degree online it never would have happened. I was able to do it: while looking after my family without childcare costs whenever I wanted without stress with no travel costs
THE REPLY #2 I received: more one to one attention than I ever got in a face to face course a reply to queries and assignments within 24 hours, and often 12. ========================= ONLINE EDUCATION IS NO SCAM. IT OPENS DOORS FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME.
WHAT IS THE DEMAND? Many students want it: QLD TAFE survey (1998) - 20% DMI TAFE survey (2000) - 42% of students expressed desire to do all or part of their course online. (1400 students surveyed)
POTENTIAL DEMAND FOR SA TAFE if around 40% of TAFE SA students want online option….. currently 90,000 TAFE SA students 40% of 90,000 = 36,000 students!
Nigel Paine (Chairman of Technology Colleges Trust (UK)): “The Internet will become the Fifth Utility.”
BUT: Take up of Internet in Australia and the US has stabilised in the last 6-9 months at around 40-50% of households those without it have no plans to get it
TEACHERS USE RESOURCES 4. The Internet is the best resource the world has ever seen. Why would you NOT use it? (Guess where this photograph came from?) (flash)
LANGUAGE AND LITERACY PERSPECTIVE Are we (dis)advantaged?? FACT: the Net is mainly a text medium FACT: many students love it FACT: the Net abounds with sites designed specifically for language and literacy students
LANGUAGE AND LITERACY PERSPECTIVE Low level language students love to communicate electronically Online Chat Forums
DLTeacher:What’s your name? DLstudent:mieniemisniemesmem DLTeacher: What’s your first name? DLstudent: My nname is naim DLTeacher: hello Naim! DLstudent: Helolinda DLTeacher: Hello Naim. My name is not Linda. My name is Linley. DLstudent: halloi lili havaryutudej yuu DLTeacher: Hello Naim, I’m fine thank you DLstudent: helloi lili havarju tudej ju hev gud daj tudaj uat a ju duin tomoro a yuhollidaj
DL teacher>>You ask... (How old are your children?) Student A>>How old are your children? DL teacher>>(good).. ask about my daughter Student A>>What? DL teacher>>ask about my daughter... how old...? Student A>>I dont understand Student A>>How old are your daughter DL teacher>>yes good! DL teacher>>(How old is your daughter?) DL teacher>>She is 10 years old. (Now ask about my son) Student A>>How old is your daughter?And How is yor son? DL teacher>>How old...? Student A>>How old is your san? DL teacher>>son! DL teacher>>He is 7! Student A>>How old is your son? DL teacher>> (yes great!) Excuse my manners.....How old are you?
Research: students who have access to both online and classroom training do best. We owe it to students to encourage web based computer/research skills. It is becoming a life skill. (How do you get the cheapest air fares??) Strategic direction: national (ANTA); state (VLE); institutional strategic plans
“Technology will not replace. teachers, but teachers who use “Technology will not replace teachers, but teachers who use technology will replace teachers who don’t.”
Online Learning - the way of the future? Yes, at least in part. The Internet is not going to go away. Essential tool in the kitbag younger students moving in to higher ed. will expect it, and they will be Web savvy increasing presence of voice, movies we will have to ‘dance with the devil’
Online Learning - the way of the future? it will not replace teachers all classrooms will have computers teachers will be more “guide on the side” rather than “sage on the stage” ergonomics consultants will do a boom trade!
Online Learning - the way of the future? Not everyone will want the full online option; my guess: about 40% at most (80% of all Distance Ed. Students live within driving distance of institution) but for All of us eventually it will become a daily part of our teaching and learning lives. BRING THE NET TO YOUR CLASSROOM!
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