Jerome Lafeuille WMO Space Programme Office


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Presentation transcript:

Jerome Lafeuille WMO Space Programme Office World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO Main Outcome of the 7th GSICS Executive Panel Meeting held in Jeju, Rep. of Korea, on 30 October 2009 Jerome Lafeuille WMO Space Programme Office WMO Space Programme

GSICS Participating Agencies EP-7 was held in Jeju, Rep. Korea, following the 37th CGMS meeting Attended by following GSICS Members: CMA, EUMETSAT, JMA, KMA, NOAA, WMO (CNES, NASA, NIST could not be present) EP-7 also attended by : WGCV Chair (P. Lecomte, ESA) Observers from ISRO and JAXA ISRO and JAXA expressed interest for joining GSICS GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010

Nomination of Chairs & vice-chairs Executive Panel Chair: Mitch Goldberg (NOAA / NESDIS) WGDG Chair: Aleksandar Jelenak (NOAA / NESDIS) Vice-Chair: Ms Hiromi Owada (JMA / MSC) WGRG Chair: Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) Vice-chairs: Dohyeong Kim (KMA) and Fred Wu (NOAA/NESDIS) GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010

Product Acceptance (1/2) (based on input from GCC) In spite of successful developments, no GSICS product is officially “accepted” EP-7 stressed the need to complete the steps for acceptance of the first GSICS products Define/document reference standards Define guidelines for software coding and product distribution Develop directory system for GSICS products on collaborative servers Review and endorse file and parameter naming convention Draft a GSICS Product Acceptance Form Define approval criteria for GPPA evidence Develop a communication protocol between reviewers of material Drafting product requirement document, basis to define relevant quality indicators Document the product quality (uncertainty budget, quality indicators) Ensure that User Feedback is taken into account in acceptance criteria GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010

Product Acceptance (2/2) (Actions) Action EP7-3: GCC to check that user feedback on algorithms is systematically included among the acceptance criteria in the GPPA, or otherwise update the GPPA in consultation with GRWG to include it. (February 2010) Action EP7-4: M. Goldberg to encourage and assist GCC to complete the methodological steps identified by GCC to enable the implementation of the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance. (December 2009) Action EP7-5: GRWG/GDWG to submit GEO-LEO correction for acceptance in accordance with GPPA. (April 2010) GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010

GSICS Users’ Workshop (1/2) EP-7 acknowledged the success of the GSICS Users’ workshop in raising GSICS visibility and providing feedback Recommended to organize a 2nd workshop in 2010 Action EP7-6: Volker Gaertner to explore possibility of GSICS User Workshop during the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference on 20-24 September 2010 in Cordoba, Spain. (December 2009) Reviewed all recommendations from the workshop and assigned corresponding actions to Chair, EP Members, GCC or GRWG GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010

GSICS Users’ Workshop (2/2) (Actions assigned to GRWG) To define references for the heritage datasets collected before the availability of current reference instruments AIRS and IASI. GRWG to identify and invite microwave experts to next GRWG meeting. To invite RAL to send a representative of the AATSR community to the next GRWG meeting. GRWG to consider plans for AVHRR inter-calibration. GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010

GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010 Miscellaneous GSICS Roster should be reviewed and updated after acceptance of the first products Beta-testing plans to be refined. Guidance to be given to beta users. (Discussion still open.) Communication and outreach: A GSICS/CGMS factsheet was produced by EUMETSAT, minor review requested . Work plan for 2010: Update from the 2009 work plan is still pending Final report available on : GRWG-GDWG, Toulouse, 9-11 February 2010