Place Value with Decimals
How do I know what kind of decimal it is? The name of a decimal is determined by the number of places to the right of the decimal point Number of Places Decimal Name Example 1 tenths 0.7 2 hundredths 0.05 3 thousandths 0.016
What are mixed decimals? Mixed decimals are numbers with both whole numbers and decimals The name of a whole number is determined by the number of places to the left of the decimal point In the number 128.765, 1 is in the hundreds place, 2 is in the tens place, 8 is in the ones place, 7 is in the tenths place, 6 is in the hundredths place, and 5 is in the thousandths place
How do you read decimals? To read a decimal correctly, first find the decimal point Whole numbers are to the left of the decimal point; any numbers to the right of a decimal point form a decimal fraction Say “and” for the decimal point The decimal 2164.511 is read as “two thousand, one hundred sixty-four and five hundred eleven thousandths”
Zeros after the decimal point Writing extra zeros after the decimal point does not change the value! The decimals 0.2, 0.20, and 0.200 are equivalent decimals
Practice Here are some practice problems in which I will work through with you to make sure that you understand the main concepts covered.
Exercise 1 Write the decimals. Five thousandths Ninety-four thousandths Three hundred thirty-six and sixty-nine hundredths
Exercise 2 Write each decimal in words. 7884.011 5592.4 4.203 612.250 10.44
Exercise 3 In what place (on the place value chart) is the underlined digit? Write the answer. 1.475 3.763 7780.215 412.407 902.103
Exercise 4 Write a decimal that has the same number. 0.2 5.51 410.6 753.809