Homework Given every night. Written on board at the end of each day. Students were given homework folders the first day of school, please check nightly and sign behavior charts. Math nightly and science will be given at most twice a week. 20-40 minutes worth given nightly (as per district policy). Every assignment is explained, and it is review of what has been done in class. Homework is posted on Teacher Website daily.
Test/Quizzes Rules and Expectations A test/quiz is generally given on a weekly basis. For chapter test that need to be studied, you will be given advice notice. Homework or class work may count as a quiz on any given day. Grades will be posted on Genesis, you can view through the parent portal. Test/quizzes will not be sent home. They remain in portfolios which can be viewed by you during PTC. If you have a question regarding a grade we can make you a copy. Rules and Expectations If a student doesn’t follow rules, a warning is given. If the behavior continues their name is moved down the behavior chart. A behavior contract was sent home last week, please review with your child. A behavior chart is sent home nightly from all core subject teachers, please sign nightly.
Math Units of Study Our curriculum utilizes Math in Focus and Everyday Counts Calendar Math Topics to be covered include: Number Sense Fluency Place Value Whole Number Computation Fraction and Decimal Computation Algebra Geometry Measurement Students will participate in modeling mathematics and constructing viable arguments and explaining their reasoning through discussions and group activities.
Science Units of Study Our science curriculum utilizes Delta/Foss Topics include: Structures of Life Magnetism and Electricity Earth Materials Weather Instruments Readorium In an effort to improve reader’s comprehension of scientific information text, based on Nationals Science Standards, we will be using Readorium Rising Reader. Students will need access to the internet at home. Desktops and/or laptops are preferred. The district’s goal is for students to work on this program a minimum of 25 minutes a night and five nights per week. It is considered a nightly homework grade and student usage is calculated weekly
Goals Math By the end of year, students will solve multistep word problems and have whole number answers using the four operations, including problems which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators by creating common denominator or numerators or by comparing to a benchmark fraction. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number. Understand decimal notation for fractions and compare decimals.
Science By the end of the year, students will generate scientific evidence through active investigations and text. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts.