Mysticism as Spiritualism
Spiritualism as Ontology Recognizes the independent reality of the non-material, spirit world, and Views this spiritual dimension as integrated and interactive with the natural and the mental dimensions
Spiritualism as Epistemology Spiritualism teaches us that we are able to gain knowledge, insight, or wisdom from and through our relationship or connectedness with spiritual beings, forces, or states of awareness. Recognizes that we cannot access this insight or knowledge through reason or sensory experience/science alone.
Spiritualism takes many Forms Religion Mysticism The Occult Last Class Next Class Today’s Class
Inward Journeys: Forms and Patterns of College Student Spirituality From our assigned reading “We use the term “spirituality” to include all forms of reflection and introspection in which the primary goal is to explore one’s relationship to the transcendent in order to deepen and enrich personal meaning, purpose, authenticity, and wholeness.”
How do your observations of spirituality on campus compare to the authors’ viewpoint?
Forms of Spiritual Searching Religious Seekers Secular Seekers Single Faith Centered Interfaith Centered Mindfulness Holistic Health In Solitude In Social Groups
Are college students developmentally most engaged with these spiritual questions? Identity: Who am I? Destiny or Calling: Where am I Going? Personal Faith: What Can I Believe in? Wholeness: How Can I be Happy? Mattering: Will My Life Make a Difference
Should it be the role of public universities to engage in student spiritual development?
Do universities have a responsibility for spiritual/moral development? 1. Learning in college is intrinsically connected to students’ inner lives of emotions, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. Higher education that ignores the connections between the cognitive and emotional domains of students’ lives will necessarily be less effective. 2. The liberal arts tradition in American higher education has always emphasized the holistic development of college students. Students develop holistically, and concern for educating the whole student continues to be an important aspect of undergraduate education in most colleges and universities. 3. The majority of undergraduates in most U.S. colleges and universities are in the traditional age group of 17 – 23 years. Parents and the general public expect that higher education will help to prepare these young adults in their transition to adult life and responsibilities in a democratic society. 4. The seriousness of student conduct on campus including alcohol abuse, academic dishonesty, abuses in athletics, racism, sexism, and materialistic values demand that colleges and universities take more accountability for guiding the ethical development of college students. 5 . College students who report higher levels of spirituality and religiousness also report higher levels of physical and psychological well being. 6 . The moral challenges and pressures of leadership in today’s increasingly complex and competitive world require college graduates who have developed ethical integrity as well as intellectual competence.
Mysticism Nirvana Nirvana is the supreme state free from suffering and individual existence. It is a state Buddhists refer to as "Enlightenment". It is the ultimate goal of all Buddhists. The attainment of nirvana breaks the otherwise endless rebirth cycle of reincarnation. Buddhists also consider nirvana as freedom from all worldly concerns such as greed, hate, and ignorance. No one can describe in words what nirvana is. It can only be experienced directly. An extra-sensory experience granting acquaintance of realities or states of affairs that are of a kind not accessible by way of sense perception or standard reasoning. “ineffable”
Mystic Practices: Meditation Hindu meditation can be defined as a state of relaxed contemplation on the present moment, or a state of reflection where the mind dissolves and is free of all thought. The goals of this method of meditation vary, including spiritual enlightenment and the transformation of attitudes.
Let’s Listen to Some Teachers… Meditation for Beginners
Let’s Listen to Some Teachers… Cosmic Energy
Let’s Listen to Some Teachers… Tai Chi
Let’s Listen to Some Teachers… Tai Chi
Om Chanting The vibrations have the effect of dusting you off. Shaking up your thoughts and feelings to give you a clearer perspective. So, when you are chanting Om, you are joining your prana, your life force, with all beings chanting with you and with the whole universe. You are putting energy back into this eternal system.
Whirling Dervishes The Sama (whirling) represents a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through mind and love to the "Perfect". Turning towards the truth, the follower grows through love, deserts his ego, finds the truth, and arrives at the "Perfect".
Assignment on 10-02