Community Meeting November 6, 2013 PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Community Meeting November 6, 2013
AGENDA PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Snow Removal Survey results Questions 2014 Challenges Survey results Vendor Search Recommendation Questions PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Survey July 2013 31 responses (over 50%), plus 4 verbal responses 84% rated Five Seasons as “Poor” or “Below Average” 0% rated Five Seasons as “Good” or “Excellent” 75% said they would pay more per month for improved lawn care PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Pain Points Mowing quality Ongoing damage from mowers Poor fertilization Poor pruning PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Search for a new vendor Collected 29 vendor names based on recommendations, personal knowledge, recommendations, etc. Committee selected 7 vendors (mix of small and large) Created specific PPV requirements to add to bid package RPM sent out bid packages to 7 vendors Five responded with bids. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Analysis Requested references from the five vendors. Contacted references Met with two highest price vendors (Dave Brown and Brickman). Both were out- of- reach cost wise but considered high quality. Brickman was able to lower their bid by about 13K. Did site visits on Brickman references. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Recommendation for Brickman Group Brickman is a quality vendor at a price we can afford. Company seems to want our business. Bonus: Brickman subcontracts to Scotts for fertilization (at a lower price than we can get). Brickman is familiar with unique condo requirements. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Timing (to take advantage of the 6% credit through RPM) Five Seasons finishes lawn care for remainder of 2013, including cleanup of leaves. Five Seasons does snow removal through January 31, 2014 (includes required 30 days cancellation notice). Brickman does snow removal after February 1, 2014. Brickman starts fresh in Spring, 2014. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Questions on lawn care? PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Snow Removal criteria Criteria Timing Average three inches of snow on streets and driveways OR Dangerous ice situation Timing Usually wait until snow event is over Will cancel if sun will quickly melt snow Try not to park cars on street. Will not be perfect! Each event costs $1,000 to $2,000. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Questions on snow removal? PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Challenges for 2014 Perpetually wet areas and inevitable damage. Will do survey to identify areas before first mowing Committee needs to mark each area and determine how to handle mowing. Need long term solutions (drain tile, re-grading…?) PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Challenges for 2014 Poor quality turf and too many weeds. Good news: One year of Scotts should show major improvement Tall fescue – will address after the surrounding turf is in better shape. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Challenges for 2014 Fertilization – “Too much of a good thing” Some unit owners fertilize themselves. Will strongly recommend they stop fertilizing for 2014 – give Brickman a chance. Too much fertilizer will burn or even kill the lawn. Unit owner is responsible for damage! Lawn-mowing Some unit owners mow their own or have another company mow. Will recommend that they give Brickman a chance. PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013
PPV LANDSCAPING - 2014 Questions and Discussion PPV Landscaping Community Meeting - November 6, 2013