Exploring Synergies at the Intersection of CNR-BSD Open Forum Research, Collaboration & Infrastructure October 28th, 2016
CNR-BSD Working Group: Allen Goldstein (co-chair), Environmental Science, Policy, and Management; Civil & Envir. Engineering Nicole King (co-chair), Molecular and Cell Biology David Ackerly, Integrative Biology; Associate Dean, L&S, Biological Sciences Division Justin Brashares, Environmental Science, Policy, & Management Jamie Cate, Molecular and Cell Biology Jane Flegal, Environmental Science, Policy, & Management (doctoral candidate) Daniela Kaufer, Integrative Biology Nina Maggi Kelly, Environmental Science, Policy & Management Charles Marshall, Integrative Biology; Director, UC Museum of Paleontology Daniel Nomura, Chemistry and Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology Katie Sieverman, Molecular and Cell Biology (doctoral candidate) Mary Wildermuth, Plant & Microbial Biology
Our Charge is to: We Identified Four Areas of Focus: Advise the central administration on how to “best achieve closer collaboration and coordination between CNR and BSD with respect to research, teaching, facilities and equipment management, fundraising, revenue generation and any other areas of common interest.” See full charge on our website: https://bcourses.berkeley.edu/courses/1455855 We Identified Four Areas of Focus: Undergraduate Education Graduate Education Community Engagement and Outreach Research, Collaboration and Infrastructure
Research, Collaboration & Infrastructure Subgroup WORKING DRAFT Fostering research interactions across CNR-BSD interface Coordinating faculty FTEs that bridge units Pursuing support for big research ideas, graduate student funding, undergraduate research opportunities Developing sustainable funding for core facilities
Where are we in the process? Incorporate comments & suggestions from open forum #1, survey responses, and further discussions; post slides Delve deeper into the main areas of potential synergy Forum #2: Friday, October 14, 2016 12-1 p.m.: Undergraduate Programs 1-2 p.m.: Graduate Programs Location: 820 Barrows Hall (Social Science Matrix) Forum #3: Friday, October 28, 2016 12-1 p.m.: Community Engagement & Outreach 1-2 p.m.: Research, Collaboration & Infrastructure Location: Tilden Room, MLK Student Union 3. Collect relevant data 4. Develop and circulate working drafts of report, findings and recommendations for community input (Nov.-Dec.)
Our Objectives for Today: Continue the discussion and delve deeper to get your input on needs, opportunities and barriers related to research, collaboration & infrastructure We want further input on the areas to prioritize Specific information on programs, contacts, and data acquisition is also very useful Our ultimate goal is to identify opportunities and challenges to improve research, collaboration & infrastructure across CNR-BSD and provide roadmaps for solutions
Biology efforts on campus (draft) Other Campus Biology: BioE HWNI CBE QB3 Comp Bio CEND Cancer Research Lab Synthetic Biology Institute Psychology Optometry Chemistry CNR PMB NST ESPM ARE ERG BSD IB MCB #
Biology Graduate Programs and Groups Bioengineering Biophysics Biostatistics Comparative Biochemistry Computational Biology Endocrinology Environmental Health Science Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Energy and resources Group ARE—Agriculture and Resource Economics Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Epidemiology Infectious Diseases and Immunity Integrative Biology Microbiology Molecular & Cell Biology Metabolic Biology Molecular Toxicology Neuroscience Plant Biology Vision Science #
UC Berkeley Biology Research Facilities #
Identifying Research Cores & Facilities What research cores exist? What multi-user facilities? How many CNR & BSD faculty use them? How do they pay for the services? Etc. #
Example: QB3 Shared research facilities -- advanced instrumentation, technologies, and materials, along with the technical leaders to manage them and provide expert service. Primarily used by UC-affiliated researchers; in some cases users from other academic institutions, industry and government labs. #
VCRO Services How can the services the VCRO offers better serve the joint needs of the CNR and BSD community? Office of Laboratory Animal Care Administration of important faculty ethics committees and processes (e.g., protection of human & animal subjects; conflict of interest review) Proposal submissions through SPO Large-scale proposal development assistance through BRDO and VCRO immediate office Strategic seed funds to create new research programs in partnership with deans and faculty Investigations into research misconduct Administrative and community assistance for visiting scholars and postdoctoral researchers Technology transfer and industry partnerships. #
Fostering research interactions across CNR-BSD interface Faculty-level Graduate student & postdocs Undergraduate initiatives Limiting factors ??? Opportunities
Coordinating faculty FTEs that bridge units What is the present process? Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Biology Named Chairs Limiting factors ??? Opportunities
Pursuing research support Big research ideas Graduate research Undergraduate research Postdoctoral research Limiting factors ??? Opportunities
Developing sustainable funding for core facilities Research cores Field stations Museums Limiting factors ??? Opportunities
Other Topics? #
Emergent Themes #
Next Steps Incorporate comments & suggestions from open forum #1, survey responses, and further discussions; post slides Delve deeper into the main areas of potential synergy Forum #2: Friday, October 14, 2016 12-1 p.m.: Undergraduate Programs 1-2 p.m.: Graduate Programs Location: 820 Barrows Hall (Social Science Matrix) Forum #3: Friday, October 28, 2016 12-1 p.m.: Community Engagement & Outreach 1-2 p.m.: Research, Collaboration & Infrastructure Location: Tilden Room, MLK Student Union
Next Steps 3. Information gathering and data collection re: main areas identified (Oct-Nov) Collect data from staff, program coordinators, students, and faculty Additional (detailed) surveys 4. Develop working drafts of report, findings and recommendations for community input (Nov.-Dec.) Community input 5. Final report incorporating community input (Dec – Jan.)
Thank you for your participation! Look for postings of this material on the BSD-CNR working group bCourse site Fill out original survey if you didn’t already Participate in further data collection and information gathering Encourage others to participate