Regional Cooperation for Afghanistan Angira Sen Sarma, Ph Regional Cooperation for Afghanistan Angira Sen Sarma, Ph.D Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Salon Presentation, Bard College 24 July 2015
How important is regional cooperation for Afghanistan? “Situated at the crossroad of Central Asia, South Asia and the Middle East, Afghanistan has a unique geo-strategic location to promote regional cooperation not only in its surrounding regions, but also beyond. After decades of instability, Afghanistan now has a unique opportunity to realize its potential as a “land bridge” between the mentioned regions to facilitate the flow of goods, energy and people; thus paving the road for regionalism built on mutual respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan) President Karzai at the 14th SAARC summit said: “enhanced regional cooperation must be pursued for the sake of regional economic and political stability.” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Objectives of the Study Convergence of Interests that drives regional cooperation Existing institutional mechanisms that can promote regional cooperation (SCO, ‘Heart of Asia’, Dushanbe 4) Economic integration as one of the major means to foster regional cooperation. TAPI, CASA 1000 (as Case Studies) Impediments to regional cooperation
Net Cultivation of Opium Poppy in Afghanistan, 2004-2013 (hectares) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 131, 000 104, 165, 193, 157, 123, 154, 209, UN World Drug Report 2014
Production of Opium in Afghanistan, 2004-2013 (tons) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4,200 4,100 5300 7400 5900 4000 3600 5800 3700 5500 UN World Drug Report 2014
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline (TAPI)
Concluding Remarks Afghanistan needs a strong economy, firm political institutions and social infrastructures to address the multiple challenges the country faces today As important stakeholders, cooperation among the regional countries for Afghanistan assumes greater significance Increase cooperation among regional countries to promote economic integration and develop Afghanistan as a hub connecting different regions of the world Successful completion and implementation of projects like TAPI could be a 'game changer' for the region.
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