Setting Up Clinical Templates (EHR-111) April 23 & 24, 2015 Presented by: Meredith Cheryba Regional Sales Manager EHR Workshop
Agenda Accessing template areas Editing existing templates Copying templates to make new version Combining templates
Objectives Attendees will be able to: Edit existing templates when professional recommendations are updated Duplicate templates to include different procedures Combine templates to reduce the need to “layer” templates
Let’s Try It! Examples: Edit Well Visit Template. Choose one age group from your batch. Go into Edit mode. Anticipatory Guidance - update to reflect the AAP Policy on Freestanding Urgent Care Facilities. Breaking out Well Visit Templates. Select a test patient. Apply the 5-6 Year Well Visit Template. Revise text boxes in Interval Hx and Plan to state this is a 6 Year visit, and adjust any pertinent text areas. Save as a New Template for 6 Year Well. Then go back and edit 5-6 to be just 5 Year and revise it as well. Adjust orders as needed in the Utilities options. Making new Sick Templates Select a test patient. Apply the Asthma Moderate Template. Make adjustments for administering a Nebulizer. Save as a Asthma Moderate with Neb template. Edit this in Utilities to include appropriate procedure orders. Combining Templates Select a test patient. Apply the Allergic Rhinitis Template. Apply the Eczema template. Make adjustments in Assess/Plan to remove duplicated information and keep consistent. Save as a New Template for AR/Eczema
Bring it home! Other examples you may adopt? Struggles with consistent documentation among multiple providers? How to share!
References AAP Policy on Freestanding Urgent Care Facilities
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