FCOMAIL Date of Establishment: July 2002 Funding Source: French Government and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MANDATE 2002 - 2015 Working with Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock ( MAIL) in Afghanistan through: Liaising Management Support Technical Assistance Programs and Project Development
Liaising Liaised all programs/projects affairs between MAIL, AFD (Kabul & HQ), French Embassy, ADEPTA and AFD-funded projects. Arranged some national, regional and provincial events Participated in all meetings, conferences and seminars etc. arranged/administered by MAIL
Management Support Provided coordination support for: No-Objection-Letters (NOLs) Assisted with hiring and recruitments of national and international staffs and advisors; MAIL and FCOMAIL by means of ToRs development, interviews etc. Oversight of the budget allocations and executions for on and off budgets projects funding by AFD
Technical Assistance Drafted ToRs for Advisors/Technical Assistants for different office and field missions, Assisted with all advisors in their assignments , Facilitated on and off-budget projects procedures and due expenditures being funded by AFD
Technical Assistance… Strengthened institutional & human resource capacity of MAIL through training initiatives Regulated on-job training to MAIL and AFD funded project staff Facilitated deployment of short-term technical assistants to MAIL
Programs and Project Development Provided, proposals, concept-notes and different papers for FCOMAIL and national priority programs/projects of MAIL Developed and regularly updated standard AFD reporting templates and formats Undertook M&E of on-going AFD projects Facilitated yearly internal audit of AFD projects Nov. 24, 2015
Programs and Project Development… Assisted AFD to perform pre-feasibility studies for new projects Identified and designed new projects Provided support and facilities to undertake baseline surveys Implemented pilot projects Delivered services in socio-economics analysis
Area of Activities, 2002-2015
FCOMAIL off budget projects & Status Kapisa-Sorobi Development Project (KSDP) Completed Kabul Farmers’ Market (KFM Suspended English Language Program (ELP) 1st phase completed, 2nd phase in 2016 Panjsher Agriculture Development Program Survey and Feasibility Study is done, now working on Project Design Cashmere Project In pipeline Cooperative Institute Grape Value Chain Study (GVCS) Nov. 24, 2015
FCOMAIL 2002 - 2006 Performed the following activities: Supporting agriculture extension units Supporting of MAIL and DAIL offices, Agriculture faculties, Institutes and H.S Agriculture research and seed multiplication Supporting horticulture sectors Capacity building of MAIL staff, Agriculture faculty students and farmers Nov. 24, 2015
FCOMAIL 2007 - 2015 Performed the following activities: Apiculture improvement and development Agriculture research and seed multiplication ( wheat, Cotton, potatoes etc,) Fish farming improvement and development Animal husbandry and artificial insemination Poultry programs Supported agriculture cooperatives Supported MAIL, DAIL offices and state farms Supported horticulture programs Capacity building of MAIL staff, Agriculture faculty students and farmers Nov. 24, 2015
Agriculture Research and Seed Multiplication Activities
Agriculture Research and Seed Multiplication 15 varieties of wheat experimented in 7 different agro-ecological zones, 8 of them released after experimentation at National level, and 6 new varieties under adoptability testing in Panjshir Province. 4 varieties of potatoes, namely: LOANE, YONA, SERVAE, and AMANY are recently shipped from France by FCOMAIL and experimenting in Kabul, Panjshir and Bamyan provinces
Apiculture Development Project Activities Establishing of apiculture cooperative in North-East provinces Provision of tools and equipment for beekeepers 2000 Kg of wax imported from France 2543 beekeepers were trained on: Beekeeping management Beekeeping Pest and Diseases Control Wintering Creation of market for Afghan Honey 2 beekeeping cooperatives established in Nijrab and Surobi districts Continued technical and in-kind support to beekeepers 12 faculty students trained 32 MAIL technical staff trained
FCOMAIL On budget projects & Status North, North-East Agricultural Support project(NEASP) In progress HORTICULTURE COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT(HCDP) Beekeeping Development Project (BDP)
MANDATE for 2016 and Beyond Continue to Work with Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock ( MAIL) in Afghanistan through: Liaising Management Support Technical Assistance Help in Programs and Project Development, also Will directly Implement and Manage some Projects
Programs and Project Development Will prepare proposals, concept-notes and participate in national priority programs/projects development for MAIL Will regularly update standard AFD reporting templates and formats Will Undertook M&E of on-going and off-budget funding by AFD Will Facilitated all AFD projects Will Expand its organizational structure to fit the future needs, and modernize the required faculties and administrative procedures Nov. 24, 2015
Thank you for your attention! 25 April 2015