Next Steps toward Achieving Renewable Energy Goal EWG 52 Agenda Item 9(d) Next Steps toward Achieving Renewable Energy Goal Shin-Je Li (Laurence) EGNRET Secretariat 19-20 October 2016
Background of RE Doubling Goal The United Nations Secretary-Genera launched a pioneering new initiative, “Sustainable Energy for All” (SE4ALL), on 1 Nov 2011, to mobilize urgent global action: Double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is the renewable energy hub of the SE4ALL initiative and supports SE4ALL partners, and thus can be a strategic partner. A doubling of the share of renewables worldwide does not mean a doubling in every country. (IRENA)
Background of RE Doubling Goal EWG 47 2014 The United States presented the proposed APEC aspirational goal of doubling renewable energy by 2030. The EWG expressed broad support for the goal, but noted that the goal is a collective target and requires refinements in the definition. The EWG will revisit the goal every five years up to 2035, and the goal would need to work with other international agencies . EMM 11 Energy Ministers aspired to the goal of “doubling the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix, including in power generation, from 2010 levels by 2030.” Energy Ministers instructed the EWG through the EGNRET to develop the road map . Leaders’ Meeting “We endorse the Energy Ministers’ aspirational goal to double the share of renewables including in power generation by 2030 in APEC’s energy mix.” (Declaration) 2015 “We therefore reaffirm our aspirational goals to reduce aggregate energy intensity by 45 percent by 2035 and double renewable energy in the regional energy mix by 2030 to achieve sustainable and resilient energy development within the Asia-Pacific. “(Declaration)
EGNRET Activities for RE Doubling Goal 2013 EGNRET 40 2014 EGNRET 42 2015 EGNRET 44 2016 EGNRET 46 & 47 2013 EGNRET 41 2014 EGNRET 43 2015 EGNRET 45 Establishing a common definition of different types of renewable energy Data collecting Proposing two actions Proposing project to develop a roadmap toward the Doubling RE Goal Reviewing Current New and Renewable Energy Priorities Role of EGNRET Toward the Doubling RE Goal Discussion on definition of RE
Taichung, Chinese Taipei EGNRET Activities for RE Doubling Goal EGNRET 46 Taichung, Chinese Taipei 2016 Discussion on How to Achieve Sustainable and Resilient Energy Development in APEC Region in Line with COP21. It is important to develop the roadmap for achieving the Leaders’ aspirational goal of doubling the share of renewables in APEC’s energy mix. It is supported to have an new initiative to approach the roadmap to the doubling goal.
EGNRET Activities for RE Doubling Goal Jakarta, Indonesia 2016 Delegates have consensus that the renewable energy doubling goal would be reached by aggregate renewable energy development among the APEC economies. The roadmap is suggested to measure the cost of developing renewable energy, and underline by different sectors and technologies. Cooperating with EGEDA and APERC, and integrating APEC’s energy data to draw the roadmap are proposed.
Future Actions for EGNRET EGNRET has proposed a project to develop a roadmap toward renewable energy doubling goal by 2030, and this project would like to collaborate with APEC sub-groups and APEC economies. The renewable energy doubling goal is to be reached by aggregate renewable energy development among the APEC economies. Thanks for APERC and EGEDA have willingness to support and work with EGNRET to conduct the strategic plan to reach the goal in the APEC region. EGNRET will expand the experience exchange or share of best practices for each economy to access the enough technology to further promote the renewable energy for RE doubling goal. The EGNRET will strengthen collaboration with APEC other for a such as PPFS, APERC, APSEC, LCMT Task Force, EGEE&C, EGEDA, Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (PPSTI), and some projects, e.g., PRLCE and PREE, and LCMT supported. Collaboration with International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Energy Research Institute Network (ERIN), and International Copper Association Ltd. (ICA) on promotion of renewable energy in the APEC region will be carried out as well.
Network for RE doubling goal Future Actions for EGNRET Aggregate Renewable Energy Development among APEC Economies. Roadmap & Strategic Plans Data Collection Targeting Scenario Current Renewable Energy Status Energy Policy Renewable Energy Development Potential Economy’s Renewable Energy Development Targets Gap Criterion Scenario: Economy’s RE Target (baseline) Renewable Energy expansion Energy Efficiency Measuring Developing Cost By Different Technologies By Different Sector By Different Renewable Energy Network for RE doubling goal Collaboration with APERC and EGEDA’s database Plan to visit next year
Future Actions for EGNRET By Different Technologies By Different Sector By Different Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Doubling Goal 2010 2030 Gap for RE Doubling The rest of Developing potential Each APEC Economies' RE Target Current RE
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