CS3145 – Bulk Order Management People and Technology Creating a Safer, Cleaner Environment Welcome to Drum Management Training. To advance this presentation use the play bar at the bottom of the page or use the menu to navigate directly to a desired section. August 2013
Objectives Purpose: - Provide the user with the necessary skills and knowledge to properly manage Bulk Disposal Orders. Process: Within this training module you will be going through a step by step process on how to enter a bulk order Comprehension exam following the training Payoff: - All reps will be able to correctly enter a bulk order - An updated resource that can be accessed any time The purpose of this training is To understand the correct way of entering a bulk order The process will be as follows: Within this training module you will be going through a step by step process on how to enter a bulk order. Comprehension exam following the training The Payoff is: - All reps will be able to correctly enter a bulk order - An updated resource that can be accessed any time
Benefits All orders are created in advance of the scheduled service date. Job dates are edited to match the actual expected service date. Changes to orders are completed real time as service needs and scheduled dates arise. Order level Instructions are input on every sales order to define the scope and service needs of the customer. Logistics Workbench is to be used as a tool to identify open bulk orders and ensure that sales order job dates match the actual schedule job dates. Listed you will some key benefits on this training: All orders are created in advance of the scheduled service date. Job dates are edited to match the actual expected service date. Changes to orders are completed real time as service needs and scheduled dates arise. Order level Instructions are input on every sales order to define the scope and service needs of the customer. Logistics Workbench is to be used as a tool to identify open bulk orders and ensure that sales order job dates match the actual schedule job dates.
Getting Started Access and Review Account Information through Beacon. Our intention is for Beacon to be the main operating system from which to launch a variety of sales and service applications. Review and validate the following: Colink Corp Address and Alternate Addresses Contract linkage Instructions: BLAL, BLBK and SCHD Restriction linkage Recovery Fee Set-up Click on Open order tab. Remember to review current open orders and manage details as needed to maintain clean order data. Initiate the order by clicking Getting started: All reps should be accessing and Reviewing Account Information through Beacon. The intention is for Beacon to be the main operating system from which to launch a variety of sales and service applications. -Review and validate the following account information: Colink Corp Address and Alternate Addresses Contract linkage Drum Transportation Instructions: BILL and SCHD Restriction linkage Recovery Fee Set-up Click on Open Order Tab. Remember to review open orders and manage details as needed to maintain a clean open order list. Initiate a new order by clicking the green plus sign
Getting Started Continued Start a new order by clicking here Getting started continued: Don’t forget to review account information and manage all open orders prior to starting any new sales orders. Don’t forget to review account information and manage all open orders prior to starting any new sales orders.
Creating a New Bulk Order Choose the proper Job Type Select the proper service Creating a new bulk order. 1. Select the proper segment and service line 2. Choose the proper Job Type Validate the accuracy of the Order Branch and update as needed Note: Sales order branch defaults to the TS Branch related to the Milkrun Zone where the Generator resides Click on the arrow to advance to the next slide. Validate the accuracy of the Order Branch and update as needed Note: Sales order branch defaults to the TS Branch related to the Milkrun Zone where the Generator resides.
Bulk Quote Pick List Only Bulk Quotes that meet certain criteria are available to select. Profile must be approved with profile type W or X. Profile must be active with expiration date greater than 15 days from order creation date. This is to minimize profile expirations while shipments are in transit. Quotes must be approved and accepted. Make sure the description is appropriate for the service request based on profile number/description, transporter assignment, and destination facility. Bulk Quote Pick List: Only Bulk Quotes that meet certain criteria are available to select. Profile must be approved with profile type W or X. Profile must be active with expiration date greater than 15 days from order creation date. This is to minimize profile expirations while shipments are in transit. Quotes must be approved and accepted. Make sure the description is appropriate for the service request based on profile number/description, transporter assignment, and destination facility. Quote No. link opens Quote Details as a tool to review quote information when needed.
Customer Purchase Order The Customer Procurement System is designed to handle the variety of Customer Purchase Order needs. The Customer PO System establishes rules for procurement under several levels. Master Level Product Line Level Contract Level Job Type Level Profile Level Quote Level Customers may procure services using a combination of levels and rules. The Customer Procurement System is linked to Order Systems to systematically drive rules and P.O. information directly to Sales Orders. A P.O. workbench will be reviewed continuously by a central team to validate new rules as well as drive resolution to jobs being managed outside of the current customer rules. Blanket P.O. Expiration Dates are tracked. Customer Purchase Order: The Customer Procurement System is designed to handle the variety of Customer Purchase Order needs. The Customer PO System establishes rules for procurement under several levels. Master Level Product Line Level Contract Level Job Type Level Profile Level Quote Level Customers may procure services using a combination of levels and rules. The Customer Procurement System is linked to Order Systems to systematically drive rules and P.O. information directly to Sales Orders. A P.O. workbench will be reviewed continuously by a central team to validate new rules as well as drive resolution to jobs being managed outside of the current customer rules. Blanket P.O. Expiration Dates are tracked.
Customer Purchase Order Information Obtaining accurate PO requirements and information is critical to ensuring timely payment of invoices Validate current Rule Set up displayed. Input data as needed based on the rule Refer to Course CS3260 Customer PO Management for additional details Customer Purchase Order Information: Obtaining accurate PO requirements and information is critical to ensuring timely payment of invoices Validate current Rule Set up displayed. Input data as needed based on the rule If PO Rule is incorrect click on the box that states “current PO Requirement Requires an Update”. This is where you can re-define the rule. Refer to Course CS3260 Customer PO Management for additional details If PO Rule is incorrect click on this box to re-define the rule.
Sales Order Master Page Add SCHD Instructions to every order to define CHI or Customer Trans and to define customer expectations. Validate EPA ID number and make corrections directly on the order. Update the Job Owner as needed when a Specialist is involved. Sales Order Master Page: Below are some key points to check for on the Sales Order Master Page: Add SCHD Instructions to every order to define CHI or Customer Trans and to define customer expectations. Validate EPA ID number and make corrections directly on the order Update the Job Owner as needed when a Specialist is involved. Job Type should only be changed to Cancelled when the order is not to be used. Validate and set Scheduled Job Date to match actual date of service. Job Type should only be changed to Cancelled when the order is not to be used. Validate and set Scheduled Job Date to match actual date of service.
Company Level Schedule Instructions Company Instructions Screen displays the SCHD type instructions from Beacon for both the customer and the generator codes on the order. Schedule Instructions must be on every order to: Summarize service needs of the job Identify any specialty equipment or supply needs Billing Instructions input as needed to: Reinforce any specialty pricing requirements that did not fit into the quote application Identify any specialty job information related to changes in service that affect invoicing DO NOT use billing instructions to define rates that can be stored in the detail of the quote Company Level Schedule Instructions: Company Instructions Screen displays the SCHD type instructions from Beacon for both the customer and the generator codes on the order. Schedule Instructions must be on every order to: Summarize service needs of the job. Identify any specialty equipment or supply needs. Billing Instructions input as needed to: Reinforce any specialty pricing requirements that did not fit into the quote application. Identify any specialty job information related to changes in service that affect invoicing. DO NOT use billing instructions to define rates that can be stored in the detail of the quote Confirm the accuracy of the instructions with the customer for every order.
COD Billing Instructions Refer to Clean Harbors Policy and Procedure FN 12.0 for additional details. 15% price increase is required to be applied to all jobs for Customers with COD terms. Price increase can be either incorporated in their quoted/contract rates or calculated on an order by order basis. If the price increase has been incorporated into the quoted/contract prices, a BLAL instruction at the Company and/or Contract level must be entered. BLAL instructions itemizing the charges used to calculate the COD amount are required on every COD order. Use the COD worksheet to estimate the proper charges for the job. COD Worksheet is a spreadsheet template used to record and calculate the value of the job. COD Worksheet template is available in the Customer Service Folder on the H drive. COD worksheet must be scanned as a worksheet against the job. COD Billing Instructions: Refer to Clean Harbors Policy and Procedure FN 12.0 for additional details. 15% price increase is required to be applied to all jobs for Customers with COD terms. Price increase can be either incorporated in their quoted/contract rates or calculated on an order by order basis. If the price increase has been incorporated into the quoted/contract prices, a BLAL instruction at the Company and/or Contract level must be entered. BLAL instructions itemizing the charges used to calculate the COD amount are required on every COD order. Use the COD worksheet to estimate the proper charges for the job. COD Worksheet is a spreadsheet template used to record and calculate the value of the job. COD Worksheet template is available in the Customer Service Folder on the H drive. COD worksheet must be scanned as a worksheet against the job.
Sales Order Disposal Actions for this screen: Additional Resources: Validate receiving facility, profile, expected job date, and shipping qty. Edit Job Date to match actual scheduled date Add additional lines using “Dup” link. See next slides for additional information. Create vendor PO by clicking Purch link. See following pages for additional detail. Cancel unused open disposal lines by clicking Del link. Associated vendor PO’s will cancel automatically. Lines with PO’s that have costs vouchered against them cannot be cancelled at the order level. See Open Order Training for additional information. Additional Resources: View Quote Level Instructions using Quote Instructions Link. Initiate pickup sheet printing through Pickup Sheet Link. Initiate print paperwork application process using Print Paperwork Link. View all lines including cancelled using View Sales Order History Link Return to Sales Order Master Page by clicking on the Main Link. Sales Order Disposal: Actions for this screen: Validate receiving facility, profile, expected job date, and shipping qty. Edit Job Date to match actual scheduled date Add additional lines using “Dup” link. See next slides for additional information. Create vendor PO by clicking Purch link. See following pages for additional detail. Cancel unused open disposal lines by clicking Del link. Associated vendor PO’s will cancel automatically. Lines with PO’s that have costs vouchered against them cannot be cancelled at the order level. See Open Order Training for additional information. Additional Resources View Quote Level Instructions using Quote Instructions Link. Initiate pickup sheet printing through Pickup Sheet Link. Initiate print paperwork application process using Print Paperwork Link. View all lines including cancelled using View Sales Order History Link Return to Sales Order Master Page by clicking on the Main Link.
Duplicating Lines After clicking the Dup link the Duplicate Disposal Line Pop-up will open Input the number of additional loads being added to the order Confirm starting date. This date defaults based on the job date of the original disposal line Update Shipping Qty if needed Select who is providing Trans When Subcontractor selected you will be required to pick the vendor from the Purchase Page as shown on the next slide Click OK when complete Duplicating Lines: After clicking the Dup link the Duplicate Disposal Line Pop-up will open. Input the number of additional loads being added to the order. Confirm starting date. This date defaults based on the job date of the original disposal line. Update Shipping Qty if needed. Select who is providing Trans. When Subcontractor selected you will be required to pick the vendor from the Purchase Page as shown on the next slide. Click OK when complete.
Setting Date Recurrence Click on Job Date Recurrence button Select recurrence pattern by choosing Daily, Weekly, or Monthly pattern Exclude weekends by selecting Service every weekday Click OK to update the order Setting Date Recurrence: Click on Job Date Recurrence button. Select recurrence pattern by choosing Daily, Weekly, or Monthly pattern. Exclude weekends by selecting Service every weekday. Click OK to update the order.
Subcontracted Transportation The trans item must be an exact match between the order and Peoplesoft. Standard format is T + profile number. Utilize Central Logistics to determine proper transportation vendor and costs. A TIF (Transportation Item Form) may be required to request vendor item set up. Logistics Workbench: Coordinator re-assigns load to Central Logistics (60TT) Central Logistics are responsible for scheduling the vendor and creating the purchase order in the Logistics Workbench. Subcontracted Transportation: The trans item must be an exact match between the order and Peoplesoft. Standard format is T + profile number. Utilize Central Logistics to determine proper transportation vendor and costs. A TIF (Transportation Item Form) may be required to request vendor item set up. Logistics Workbench: Coordinator re-assigns load to Central Logistics (60TT) Central Logistics are responsible for scheduling the vendor and creating the purchase order in the Logistics Workbench.
Transportation Item Form Flow: 1) Form automatically sent to Transportaion Group for validation of pricing. 2) Upon Trans approval, form sent to PO Admin for data entry into PS. 3) PO Admin to email requester upon completion. Transportation Item Form: Flow: 1) Form automatically sent to Transportation Group for validation of pricing. 2) Upon Trans approval, form sent to PO Admin for data entry into PS. 3) PO Admin to email requester upon completion.
Deleting Unused Open Disposal Lines Unused disposal lines cause the order to stay “open” in Beacon All unused lines should be deleted For unused lines with transporation PO’s, identify the proper line that the PO belongs If no unused lines and no alternative order then PO can be moved to sales order details Submit a request for “Data Fix” to move the purchase order from the open line. Once removed the disposal line can then be deleted Deleting Unused Open Disposal Lines: Unused disposal lines cause the order to stay “open” in Beacon All unused lines should be deleted For unused lines with transportation PO’s, identify the proper line that the PO belongs If no unused lines and no alternative order then PO can be moved to sales order details Submit a request for “Data Fix” to move the purchase order from the open line. Once removed the disposal line can then be deleted
Conclusion Review account information and manage all open orders prior to starting any new sales orders. Orders must be created in advance of the scheduled service date. Job Dates on disposal line(s) must be edited to match the actual expected service date. All changes to execution or service needs must be updated on the order real time. Order Level Instructions must be input on every sales order. Order details affect downstream activities like Logistics Workbench and receiving. Accuracy is the key to the success of the service process. In summary: Review account information and manage all open orders prior to starting any new sales orders. Orders must be created in advance of the scheduled service date. Job Dates on disposal line(s) must be edited to match the actual expected service date. All changes to execution or service needs must be updated on the order real time. Order Level Instructions must be input on every sales order. Order details affect downstream activities like Logistics Workbench and receiving. Accuracy is the key to the success of the service process.