Meditation Any activity that keeps the attention pleasantly anchored in the present moment. Focus on quieting the busy mind. Direct your concentration to one healing element - one sound, one word, one image or one’s breath
What is Meditation? Calming activity that helps clear and calm the mind Focus the mind and thoughts inward Compare it to a lake with waves and a calm lake with not even a ripple
Benefits of Meditation Calms overactive mind Turns mind inward Recharges batteries Increase physical stamina Improves concentration Produces clear mind and thoughts Produces sense of great inner peace
Physical Benefits of Meditation Decreased metabolic rate Lowers heart rate and blood pressure Improved flow of air to the lungs Drop in cholesterol levels
Psychological Benefits of Meditation Increases brain waves - greater creativity, improved reasoning and higher IQ Decreases anxiety and depression Decreases irritability and moodiness Improved learning ability and memory Increased self-actualization Increased happiness and emotional stability
Elements of Meditation Choose a warm space, free from noisy distractions and clutter Choose a comfortable or poised posture Use an object for attention-awareness to focus upon A passive attitude or poised awareness