LKS2 Newsletter Autumn 2 Science Computing/ MFL/ Music Topic PE Kits Computing: We will be investigating how to use ‘Stop Motion’ to create an animation using Imovie. Music: We will be to learn how to play a recorder. MFL: We are learning how to talk about ourselves in French. Science Year 3 are learning about Light. This is linked to the different festivals this half term. Year 4 are learning about the components involved in Electricity and how we use it in everyday life. Topic This half term we are learning about Ancient Egypt. Within this topic we will be looking at the Nile, the role of a Pharaoh and the daily lives of people in Ancient Egyptian times. PE Kits Please can you ensure that your child’s PE kit is in school. PE days are: Class F- Tuesday & Thursday Class G- Monday & Friday Class H- Monday and Thursday. Class H Breakout- Monday & Wednesday. Important dates for your diary! 16.11.16- Half day closure 25.11.16- Class H assembly 16.12.16- Break up for Christmas holiday (until 3.1.17) Reading Please try to listen to your child read as often as possible.