l 66TH MEETING OF THE ESRF l 30-31 May 2014 l Author
HPLF software needs High Power Laser Facility on ID24 (EXP/MEx) HPLF description: 1 laser hutch (clean room independent of CC, OH and EH) laser Front-End and Amplifiers laser beam path to EH1 final configuration operation from 2020 test configuration from april 2018 to dec 2018 shutdown remotely operated from CC most mirrors, pinholes, beam shutters, beam attenuators etc. will be motorized many cameras (a dozen?, most likely Basler acA1300-30gm* or any GigE monochrome) at least 6 viewed simultaneously operation at full resolution?, >5 Hz, 8bit using CW laser for alignment operation at full resolution?, 0.5 Hz or 0.1 Hz, 8bit using pulsed laser operation at full resolution, single shot, 12bit on laser shot live and post image processing (see next slides) Basler acA1300-30gm: 1296×966, 12bit, 1/3”≡4.9×3.6mm², 1px=3.75×3.75μm² HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
HPLF software needs – live image processing Camera purpose is to monitor beam transport from laser room to EH1 located at different positions along beam transport (image through mirror leakage) mostly work in pair: 1 for Near Field (beam shape and centering of energy wrt aperture), 1 for Far Field (beam axis and ‘phase’) Required live image processing: Color LUTs ability to change camera gain, integration time, binning on the fly (to optimize dynamic range) detector center + beam centroid fits along 2 perpendicular line-outs (with detection of beam rotation) Super gaussian (beam shape is expected to be SG with order ≥ 8, with 90% of encircled energy within the pre-defined diameter) or Airy functions fit parameters display radius at arbitrary height with user-adjusted scale (px to real lengths) depending on optical design, supergaussian order, ellipticity ROI encircled energy at arbitrary height (likely at Half Maximum and 1/e²) given arbitrary encircled energy fraction, what is the radius|diameter of the beam|focal spot HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
Post processing needs Using a full resolution image (or a pre-recorded sequence of images) from the user, same as live image processing plus: scatter plot of centroids of each image std deviation of this distribution in both direction (on far field images ≡ beam pointing stability) could be made live for a specified number of images? (plot of beam pointing vs time?) spatial frequency analysis laser specifications are the following: spatial frequencies ≥ 2 mm⁻¹: ≤ 5% RMS 0.2 mm⁻¹ ≤ spatial frequencies ≤ 2 mm⁻¹: ≤ 20% RMS spatial frequencies ≤ 0.2 mm⁻¹: ≤ 10% RMS HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
Examples Simulated near field: Simulated far field: SG order 8, FWHM = 85 mm linear scale log scale HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
Mockup (full resolution view) 1920×1080 screen camera of interest 1296×966 image full resolution full pixel depth camera selection (drop down list) camera setup parameter setup fits and measurements additional graphs in tabs? current mode / acquisition rate next image in X seconds cams status HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
Mockup (mosaic view) 1920×1080 screen Front-End NF Amplifier NF 1296×966 image resolution/4 → 648×483 1296×966 image resolution/4 → 648×483 1296×966 image resolution/4 → 648×483 Front-End NF Amplifier NF Experimental Hutch NF 1296×966 image resolution/4 → 648×483 1296×966 image resolution/4 → 648×483 1296×966 image resolution/4 → 648×483 Front-End FF Amplifier FF Experimental Hutch FF virtual crosshair ≡ alignment reference position → when FF centroid is on it, alignment is correct HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
Network usage for 1 acA 1300-30gm camera: For 6 cams simultaneously: Network usage = pixel height × pixel width × pixel depth × refresh rate 10Hz: 1296 × 966 × 8bit × 10Hz = 12.5 MB/s (i.e. maximum of a 100Mbit link) 5 Hz: 1296 × 966 × 8bit × 5Hz = 6.3 MB/s For 6 cams simultaneously: using CW alignment laser, 5 Hz: 6× 6.3MB/s = 37.6 MB/s ← requires 1Gbit link if resolution/4 (mosaic view): 6× 1296/2 × 966/2 × 8bit × 5Hz = 9.4 MB/s ← OK for 100Mbit link using pulsed laser @ 0.5 Hz: 3,76 MB/s on-shot (every 10 min): 6× 1296 × 966 × 16bit = 15MB maybe more cameras on-shot HPLF cameras and image processing — sept 2017 — N. Sévelin-Radiguet
what — when — N. Sévelin-Radiguet