Building Successful Teams Desila Rosetti, Assistant Professor, Calumet College of St Joseph President, Organizational Development Solutions, Inc.
Objectives The value of teams? The problems with teams? Team Participation Objectives The value of teams? The problems with teams? Types of Teams Generational Issues Differences The Group Process Strategies for moving teams along!
Teams Team - a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
Types of Teams Management teams Natural work teams Self managed teams Virtual teams Problem solving teams Project teams Process Improvement Teams
Defining the Generations “Generational Cohorts are groups of people, usually born in the same 15-20 year time span, who share common life experiences and thus share common attitudes and traits” TRADITIONALISTS – 1922 - 1945 BABY BOOMERS – 1946 – 1964 GENERATION X – 1965 – 1980 MILLENNIALS, GEN Y, NEXTERS - 1981 – 1995 And Presenting…..DIGITALS – 1996 to Present Today’s workforce is made up of four identifiable generations. It is not the dates or their ages alone that create their generational bond. A generation is forged through common experiences. Each generation witnessed unique historical events that no doubt shaped their behavior and expectations of the world. Remember, as we discuss the generations, we are making some pretty broad generalizations and generalizations about any group of people are bound to be incorrect. However, generalizations are useful in framing our discussion, and in doing so, if we are able to foster a greater understanding of others and improve our practices then it will serve our needs.
TRADITIONALISTS 1922 - 1945 Came of Age during World War II Experienced a Childhood of Struggle Value stability, security, a sense of community, patriotism and God Trust hierarchy and authority Represent 10% of the 2005 workforce Great Depression Korean War
BABY BOOMERS 1946 - 1964 Growing up, their motto was “Don’t Trust Anyone Over 30” Idealists Workaholics Desperate for a healthy work/life balance Generation with most debt Represent nearly 45% of 2005 Workforce Civil Rights Movement Sexual Revolution Cold War Space Travel Assassinations
GENERATION Xers 1965 - 1980 Resourceful Independent Technologically Advanced Dress Down and Lighten Up the Workplace Represent 30% of 2005 Workforce Fall of the Berlin Wall Watergate Women’s Lib Desert Storm Energy Crisis
MILLENNIALS–1981 - 1995 The “Decade of the Child” Instant Global Communication Material Excess Quickly becoming the intellectual authorities Represent nearly 15% of 2005 Workforce School Shootings Oklahoma City Advanced Technology Child-Focused World Clinton/Lewinsky
Portraits of Diversity The Aging Workforce Woman in the Workplace Mixing Cultures at Work The Great Education Gap Beliefs Values Attitudes The Aging Workforce Woman in the Workplace Mixing Cultures at Work The Great Education Gap Workers with Disabilities
Five Stages of Team Development Forming: Orientation, break the ice Leader: Facilitate social interchanges 1 Storming: Conflict, disagreement Leader: Encourage participation, surfaces differences 2 Norming: Establishment of order and cohesion Leader: Help clarify team roles, norms, values 3 Performing: Cooperation, problem solving Leader: Facilitate task accomplishment 4 Adjourning: Task completion Leader: Bring closure, signify completion 5
Ingredients for Successful Teams Administrative commitment Goals that are achievable The right team A defined process Beneficial team behaviors Defined decision procedures Balanced participation Ground rules Scientific approach
Other thoughts…. Set participation as the norm Align team goals with personal goals A respected Team Leader Team building activities Agendas Team Assignments Accountability Storyboards/Storybooks ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Conclusions Teams don’t develop overnight Teamwork requires effective leadership Team decision making is powerful Something’s are not done well in a team, but are a management responsibility Good, better, best…never let it rest Until the good is better, and the better Best! ______________________________________________________________