FROM THE BEGINNING Make the decision Invite a team Dream big Set goals We started small and every year have built on past successes and learned from what we wanted to do better. Here’s something we created to help us better follow our goals- our mission statement:
STUDENTS IN ACTION TEAM MISSION STATEMENT SALESIANUM SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE JEFFERSON AWARDS STUDENTS IN ACTION TEAM The mission of the Jefferson Awards team is to promote recognition for student service that exceeds the mandated requirement of the school’s Christian Service Program. The Jefferson Awards Students in Action Team is comprised of students from all grades representing all areas of school activities and a faculty moderator as appointed by the school principal. The members of the team will actively seek other students for recognition through personal interviews with peers, create posters advertising the Jefferson Awards in our school, promote a spirit of service through their role model of giving as a team, and create a scholarship gift for incoming freshmen who have done extraordinary service. The Students in Action team will apply a can-do motto in the school as a model and attitude for fellow students to follow.
Good teamwork leads to… Lots of fun working together Less work for any one person to do alone Loads more accomplished Leads to fun for everyone and just maybe to… The team with our UD coach in the lobby of the Mayflower Hotel- June 2009
School Spirit helps too Get your fellow students involved using all forms of media and communication Get your faculty to share by posting information in classrooms Get your principal to support your involvement in great events like today Get excited to spread the news that service counts in every way
IN CONCLUSION Jefferson Awards allows your school to recognize service done by all students Allows you to strongly promote service in your school Involves your school in community wide service initiatives Broadens involvement by students and faculty in every aspect of leadership, team building and having a great time
TAKE ON A CAN-DO SPIRIT Adopt an attitude and spirit of optimism Embrace a spirit of collegiality Step up and invite all to be part of this Start participating in service today Recognize who can be part of the team Honor those already doing service Encourage all to celebrate how we can do more
The Jefferson awards and salesianum school thank you for this opportunity! We look forward to answering your questions!